56065george knysh2008-03-27Volcae and Volsci
56066alexandru_mg32008-03-27Re: Volcae and Volsci
56068george knysh2008-03-27Re: Volcae and Volsci
56071alexandru_mg32008-03-27Re: Volcae and Volsci
56107tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56115george knysh2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56135tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56138fournet.arnaud2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56139patrick cuadrado2008-03-28RE : [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56141fournet.arnaud2008-03-28Re: RE : [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56143tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56144tgpedersen2008-03-28RE : [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56146fournet.arnaud2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56147Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56148tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56149fournet.arnaud2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56150fournet.arnaud2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56151Brian M. Scott2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56153tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56154tgpedersen2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56155Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-28Gemination in Celtic
56156Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56157Brian M. Scott2008-03-28Re: Volcae and Volsci
56159Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56162Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56165tgpedersen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56167Rick McCallister2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56168Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56169Rick McCallister2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56170Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56171Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56172fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56173fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56174fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Gemination in Celtic
56176Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56177Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56178Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56180Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-29Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56181Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56182tgpedersen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56183tgpedersen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56185fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56187fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Gemination in Celtic
56189Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56191tgpedersen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56195patrick cuadrado2008-03-29RE : Re: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56197tgpedersen2008-03-29RE : Re: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56198Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[4]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56200Rick McCallister2008-03-29pot Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56201Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56202fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: Re[4]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56205tgpedersen2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56209Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re[6]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56210Brian M. Scott2008-03-29Re: Volcae and Volsci
56212fournet.arnaud2008-03-29Re: pot Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56249Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56251Brian M. Scott2008-03-30Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56261fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56264fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56268tgpedersen2008-03-30Re: Volcae and Volsci
56272Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56273fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56274Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56276fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56286Brian M. Scott2008-03-30Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56288Brian M. Scott2008-03-30Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56289fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56290fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56295patrick cuadrado2008-03-30RE : Re: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56296tgpedersen2008-03-30RE : Re: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56297Patrick Ryan2008-03-30Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56298Rick McCallister2008-03-30Re: Volcae and Volsci
56313fournet.arnaud2008-03-30Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56330Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-30Re: Gemination in Celtic
56333Anders R. Joergensen2008-03-31Re: Gemination in Celtic
56336dgkilday572008-03-31Re: Volcae and Volsci
56346fournet.arnaud2008-03-31Re: Gemination in Celtic
56359Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56362fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56363Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56364fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56365Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56366fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56367Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56368fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56370tgpedersen2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56376tgpedersen2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56377Brian M. Scott2008-04-01Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56378fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56379Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56380tgpedersen2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56382fournet.arnaud2008-04-01Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56383Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56385Piotr Gasiorowski2008-04-01Re: Gemination in Celtic
56388Brian M. Scott2008-04-01Re[5]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56389Brian M. Scott2008-04-01Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56390Rick McCallister2008-04-01Re: Re[5]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56392tgpedersen2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56393tgpedersen2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56394fournet.arnaud2008-04-02Re: Re[5]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56395Piotr Gasiorowski2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56398Piotr Gasiorowski2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56401Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56402Piotr Gasiorowski2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56405Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56406Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56407Rick McCallister2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56408Rick McCallister2008-04-02Re: Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56409Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re[9]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56410Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re: Volcae and Volsci
56411Rick McCallister2008-04-02Re: Re[9]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56417fournet.arnaud2008-04-02Re: Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56419tgpedersen2008-04-02Re: Volcae and Volsci
56421Rick McCallister2008-04-02Re: Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56433Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56436fournet.arnaud2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56438Richard Wordingham2008-04-02Hypocoristics (was: Gemination in Celtic)
56439Brian M. Scott2008-04-02Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56441Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56442Rick McCallister2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56445Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56447Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-02Re: Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56448fournet.arnaud2008-04-02Re: Gemination in Celtic
56449fournet.arnaud2008-04-02Re: Re[7]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56465Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-03Re: Gemination in Celtic
56474Brian M. Scott2008-04-03Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56475Rick McCallister2008-04-03Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56476Brian M. Scott2008-04-03Re: Hypocoristics (was: Gemination in Celtic)
56491fournet.arnaud2008-04-03Re: Gemination in Celtic
56594Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-03Re: Gemination in Celtic
56605Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56610Rick McCallister2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56627Brian M. Scott2008-04-04Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56633fournet.arnaud2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56656Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56657fournet.arnaud2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56658Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56661fournet.arnaud2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56681Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56682Rick McCallister2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56686fournet.arnaud2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56688Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56689Brian M. Scott2008-04-04Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56695tgpedersen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56697Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56700Brian M. Scott2008-04-04Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56701fournet.arnaud2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56703Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56712Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-04Re: Gemination in Celtic
56715Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-04Re: Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56717Brian M. Scott2008-04-04Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56722Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56724Brian M. Scott2008-04-05Re[2]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56729Rick McCallister2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56734Rick McCallister2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56735Rick McCallister2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56738Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56753Brian M. Scott2008-04-05Re[3]: [tied] Gemination in Celtic
56765fournet.arnaud2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56774Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56778fournet.arnaud2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56810Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-05Re: Gemination in Celtic
56824Brian M. Scott2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56844tgpedersen2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56848fournet.arnaud2008-04-06Re: Gemination in Celtic
56853fournet.arnaud2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56874tgpedersen2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56878fournet.arnaud2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56882tgpedersen2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56942fournet.arnaud2008-04-06Re: Volcae and Volsci
56959Brian M. Scott2008-04-07Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56960Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-07Re: Gemination in Celtic
56963Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56966Brian M. Scott2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56967Brian M. Scott2008-04-07Re[4]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
56972fournet.arnaud2008-04-07Re: Gemination in Celtic
56978tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56979tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56983tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56984tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56992Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56994tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56997Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
56999Brian M. Scott2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57001Brian M. Scott2008-04-07Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57007Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57011tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57013Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57014Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57015Rick McCallister2008-04-07Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57016tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57020Patrick Ryan2008-04-07Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57022fournet.arnaud2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57023tgpedersen2008-04-07Re: Volcae and Volsci
57025Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57026Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57028Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57029tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57030Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57031Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57032tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57033tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57034Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57035Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57036Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57039Patrick Ryan2008-04-08Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57040dgkilday572008-04-08Re: Gemination in Celtic
57050Brian M. Scott2008-04-08Re[4]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57052Brian M. Scott2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57057Brian M. Scott2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57058Anders R. Joergensen2008-04-08Re: Gemination in Celtic
57059tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57060Rick McCallister2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57063Brian M. Scott2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57065tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57066tgpedersen2008-04-08Re: Volcae and Volsci
57069Rick McCallister2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57070Rick McCallister2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57074tgpedersen2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57077Brian M. Scott2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57080fournet.arnaud2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57083tgpedersen2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57085fournet.arnaud2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57086Rick McCallister2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57087Rick McCallister2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57090tgpedersen2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57092Richard Wordingham2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57094fournet.arnaud2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57095fournet.arnaud2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57096tgpedersen2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57098tgpedersen2008-04-09Re: Volcae and Volsci
57103fournet.arnaud2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
57104Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
57108tgpedersen2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
57116Piotr Gasiorowski2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
57122tgpedersen2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
57124Brian M. Scott2008-04-10Re[2]: [tied] Re: Volcae and Volsci
57134tgpedersen2008-04-10Re: Volcae and Volsci
68402dgkilday572012-01-23Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68403stlatos2012-01-23Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68404stlatos2012-01-23Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68405stlatos2012-01-23Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68416dgkilday572012-01-25Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68417stlatos2012-01-25Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68418stlatos2012-01-25Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68425stlatos2012-01-27Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68444stlatos2012-01-29Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68445stlatos2012-01-29Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68447dgkilday572012-01-30Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68448stlatos2012-01-31Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68449Rick McCallister2012-01-31Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68450stlatos2012-01-31Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68460stlatos2012-01-31Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68473dgkilday572012-02-02Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68474stlatos2012-02-02Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68477Rick McCallister2012-02-02Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68479dgkilday572012-02-03Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68480stlatos2012-02-04Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68522dgkilday572012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68523Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68524dgkilday572012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68525dgkilday572012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68528stlatos2012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68529dgkilday572012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68530Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-09Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68531Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-10Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68538stlatos2012-02-10Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68540dgkilday572012-02-10Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68542Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-11Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68547dgkilday572012-02-13Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68548stlatos2012-02-13Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68549Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-13Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68550Torsten2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68551stlatos2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68552Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68553Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68554Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68555stlatos2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68556dgkilday572012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68557stlatos2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68558Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68559Joao S. Lopes2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68560Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68562Tavi2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68563Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-14Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68565dgkilday572012-02-16Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68566stlatos2012-02-16Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68567stlatos2012-02-16Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68568stlatos2012-02-16Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68573dgkilday572012-02-17Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68574stlatos2012-02-17Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68575dgkilday572012-02-17Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68578dgkilday572012-02-18Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68580stlatos2012-02-19Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68583dgkilday572012-02-21Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68585Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-21Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68587stlatos2012-02-21Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68593dgkilday572012-02-22Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68596dgkilday572012-02-22Re: Kluge's Law in Italic? (was: Volcae and Volsci)
68597stlatos2012-02-22Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68598Piotr Gasiorowski2012-02-22Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]
68602dgkilday572012-02-23Re: Family terms [was: Kluge's Law in Italic?]