Earlier messages
7700Eysteinn Bjornsson2006-12-15Grýlukvæði - notes for Alan (and anyone who is interested)
7701AThompson2006-12-17RE: [norse_course] Grýlukvæði - notes for Alan (and anyone who i
7702AThompson2006-12-17Re: Njal's holiday schedule?
7703Fred and Grace Hatton2006-12-17Gryla poem
7704llama_nom2006-12-19Sæmundar og Snorra Edda + Gunnarsslagr
7705Fred and Grace Hatton2006-12-21Oops!
7706Patricia Wilson2006-12-21Re: Oops!
7707AThompson2006-12-21Re: Oops!
7709Patricia Wilson2006-12-24Re: greetings
7710Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-02Njal 38 part 2
7711Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-02Njal 38 part 2
7712Patricia Wilson2007-01-02Njal's Saga Chapter 38 Part2 Patricia's Translation
7713AThompson2007-01-03Re: Njal 38 part 2 / Alan's Translation
7714llama_nom2007-01-03Re: Njal 38 part 2 / Alan's Translation
7715llama_nom2007-01-03Re: Njal 38 part 2 / Alan's Translation
7716Patricia2007-01-03Re: Njal 38 part 2 / Alan's Translation
7717Patricia Wilson2007-01-05Njal's Saga to the end of Chapter 38
7718Patricia Wilson2007-01-05Njal;s Saga Patricia's mistake
7719Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-08Njal 38 end - - Grace's translation
7720Patricia Wilson2007-01-08Njal's Saga chapter 38 to end - Patricia's Translation
7721llama_nom2007-01-09Re: Njal 38 end - - ýmsir eigi högg í garði
7722llama_nom2007-01-09Re: Njala 38 to end - kvað þá bætta fullum bótum, er...
7723Patricia Wilson2007-01-09Re: [norse_course] Re: Njal 38 end - - ýmsir eigi högg í
7724AThompson2007-01-09Re: Njal's Saga to the end of Chapter 38 / Alan's Translation
7725Patricia Wilson2007-01-09Alan's Translation of Njal 38 to end
7726Patricia Wilson2007-01-09This Article announces the Passing from life into another life - of
7727llama_nom2007-01-09Re: Alan's Translation of Njal 38 to end (threats and promises)
7728llama_nom2007-01-09Re: This Article announces the Passing from life into another life
7729Patricia Wilson2007-01-09Re: This Article announces the Passing from life into another life
7730Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-10Magnus Magnusson
7731Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-11Njal 39
7732AThompson2007-01-12Re: Njal 39 / Alan's translation
7733Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-12Njal 39 - - Grace's translation
7734llama_nom2007-01-12Re: Njal 39 / Alan's translation
7735Patricia Wilson2007-01-12Njal chapter 39 Patricia's translation
7736llama_nom2007-01-14Hreinn Steingrímsson: Kvæðaskapur
7737llama_nom2007-01-14Re: Njal chapter 39 Patricia's translation
7738llama_nom2007-01-14And speaking of music...
7739Patricia Wilson2007-01-14Re: Njal chapter 39 Patricia's translation
7740Patricia Wilson2007-01-14reply to LN on Patricia's translation ch39
7741Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-14need help visualizing the interior set up of a Norse long house
7742llama_nom2007-01-14Re: truncated messages
7743llama_nom2007-01-14Re: Njal chapter 39 Patricia's translation
7744Patricia Wilson2007-01-14Re: need help visualizing the interior set up of a Norse long house
7745Patricia Wilson2007-01-14Viking Links
7746Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-16Njal 40 + beginning 41
7747AThompson2007-01-16Re: Njal 40 + beginning 41 / Alan's Translation
7748Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-16Njal 40 + beginning 41 - - Grace's translation
7749Patricia Wilson2007-01-16Njal Chapter 40 and beginning Chapter 41 Patricia's Translation
7750llama_nom2007-01-16Re: Njal Chapter 40 and beginning Chapter 41 Patricia's Translation
7751Patricia Wilson2007-01-16Re: Njal Chapter 40 and beginning Chapter 41 Patricia's Translation
7752kimberlykinyon20022007-01-16Help with a translation
7753Patricia Wilson2007-01-17Re: Help with a translation
7754Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-19Njal 41 part 2
7755Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-19Njal 41 part 2 - - Grace's translation
7756Patricia2007-01-19Njal 42 part two Patricia's translation
7757llama_nom2007-01-19Re: Njal 41 part 2 - 'veldurat sá er varar', etc.
7758AThompson2007-01-20Re: Njal 41 part 2 / Alan's Translation
7759llama_nom2007-01-20Re: Njal 41 part 2 / Alan's Translation (enda skal eg hefna hans l
7760llama_nom2007-01-20Re: Njal 41 part 2 / Alan's Translation (enda skal eg hefna hans l
7761Eysteinn Bjornsson2007-01-20Þar vs. það
7762AThompson2007-01-21RE: [norse_course] Re: Njal 41 part 2 / Alan's Translation (enda sk
7763Lodin Myklebust2007-01-22Nordic pet names
7764Eysteinn Bjornsson2007-01-22Re: Nordic pet names
7765Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-23Njal 41 end
7766Patricia Wilson2007-01-23Njals Saga chapter 41 to end
7767Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-23Njal 41 end - - Grace's translation
7768AThompson2007-01-24Re: Njal 41 end / Alan's Translation
7769Patricia Wilson2007-01-24Njal 41 - Alan's translation
7770llama_nom2007-01-24Re: Njal 41 end / Alan's Translation
7771llama_nom2007-01-24Re: Njal 41 end
7772Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-26Njal 42
7773Patricia Wilson2007-01-26Njal chapter 42 Patricia's Translation
7774AThompson2007-01-26Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation
7775Lance2007-01-27Vs: Vedr. [norse course] live and let live
7776llama_nom2007-01-27Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation
7777Patricia Wilson2007-01-27Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation
7778llama_nom2007-01-27Re: Vs: Vedr. [norse course] live and let live
7779llama_nom2007-01-27Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation (flugu í munn)
7780Patricia Wilson2007-01-27Re: [norse_course] Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation (flugu í munn)
7781AThompson2007-01-27Re: Njal 42 / Alan's Translation
7782Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-29Njal 42 - - Grace's translation
7783Lance2007-01-29[norse course] live and let live
7784llama_nom2007-01-29Re: Njal 42 - - Grace's translation
7785Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-29Thanks, LN!
7786llama_nom2007-01-29Re: Njal chapter 42 Patricia's Translation
7787llama_nom2007-01-30Image of Njáls saga from Möðruvallabók -- a challenge!
7788Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-30Njal 43
7789AThompson2007-01-30RE: [norse_course] Image of Njáls saga from Möðruvallabók -- a
7790llama_nom2007-01-30Re: Image of Njáls saga from Möðruvallabók -- a challenge!
7791Fred and Grace Hatton2007-01-30Njal 43 - - Grace's translation
7792Patricia Wilson2007-01-30Njal 43 Patricia's Translation
7793llama_nom2007-01-30Re: Njal 43
7794Patricia Wilson2007-01-30Re: Njal 43
7795AThompson2007-01-31Re: Njal 43 / Alan's Translation
7796llama_nom2007-01-31Re: Njal 43 / Alan's Translation
7797Lance2007-02-01Vedr. [norse_course] Freya's/Frigg's Distaff
7798Patricia Wilson2007-02-01Re: Vedr. [norse_course] Freya's/Frigg's Distaff
7799Fred and Grace Hatton2007-02-01Njal 44 beginning
Later messages