That's the one. Well done! I started at the capital: 'Þat v[a]r
siðuenia þ[ei]rra G[unnars] & N[jáls]...' It's nice and clear on the
left side, but the letters on the right are a bit tougher and get lost
in places. I suppose that's from people's fingers over the centuries
as they turned the pages. Maybe that area would be clearer with
different lighting. At first I though there was something written
illegibly in red to the right of that bit, but maybe not; the text
continues in black on the next line with what comes next in our
version: 'at sin[n] vetr þa hvar[r] hei[m]boð' (without 'þeirra', as
far as I can see, unless that's implied by some convention of
abbreviation). I also noticed there's a link from Wikipedia [ ] to the
Saganet page, which got my hopes up that the whole thing was there
online--but no, not yet...
--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...> wrote:
> Thanks LN. There were a few key words which made placing it not so
> difficult, notwithstanding my difficulty in reading the MSS generally.
> Alan
> Fer nú boðið vel fram. Og er lokið var ríða þeir Höskuldur vestur en
> Rangæingar til sinna heimila. Gunnar gaf mörgum góðar gjafar og virðist
> það
> vel.
> Hallgerður tók við búráðum og var fengsöm og atkvæðamikil. Þorgerður tók
> við
> búráðum að Grjótá og var góð húsfreyja.
> 35. kafli
> Það var siðvenja þeirra Gunnars og Njáls að sinn vetur þá hvor þeirra
> heimboð að öðrum og veturgrið fyrir vináttu sakir. Nú átti Gunnar að
> þiggja
> veturgrið að Njáli og fóru þau Hallgerður til Bergþórshvols. Þá voru þau
> Helgi eigi heima. Njáll tók vel við þeim Gunnari. Og þá er þau höfðu þar
> verið nokkura hríð kom Helgi heim og Þórhalla kona hans.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []
> On Behalf Of llama_nom
> Sent: Tuesday, 30 January 2007 11:11 AM
> To:
> Subject: [norse_course] Image of Njáls saga from Möðruvallabók -- a
> challenge!
> "
> 3r.jpg"http://commons.-wikimedia.-org/wiki/-Image:M%C3%-B6%C3%B0ruvallab
> -%C3%B3k_f13r.-jpg
> I just happened across this: an image of the mid 14th c. Möðruvallabók
> text of Njáls saga (AM 132 fol.13r). Bonus points for anyone who
> recognises which section it is! It's one we've already covered, not
> so long ago...