From: llama_nom
Message: 7750
Date: 2007-01-16
> hraðfeigurOr might it perhaps mean something like: fated for extremely immanent
> to certain death (Z)
> og mundu það margir ætla að vér bræður mundum þetta fyrri gert hafaað því skaplyndi sem vér höfum."
> Most would expect us brothers to be first to have done it from ourspirit/temperament
> "Skammt munt þú til þess eiga," segir Njáll, "að þig mun slíkt hendaog mun þig þó nauður til reka."
> "soon may you have this " (you'll get your chance) says Njall "thatthen you will be driven by need
> gunnar játti þvíThat's right. 'ját(t)a' "to say yes (já) to; to agree to"; takes
> Gunnar accepted
> Gunnar sagði að það var lítill mannskaðiGunnar said it was but little manslaughter (not a great loss !!)
> Hann var metnaðarmaður mikill og skáld gott og að flestum íþróttumvel búinn, hávaðamaður mikill, spottsamur og ódæll.
> He was an ambitious man (Z) and a good poet, and was good at mostsports, but (he was) boastful (Z) noisy and overbearing(Z) or is it
> Skjöldur hét félagi hans. Hann var sænskur maður og illur viðureignar.tempered (or ill spoken) - (don't like the Swedes do they Ljot was
> Skjold was the name of his companion. He was Swedish and - ill
> og luku eigi ferð sinni fyrr en...Yes.
> and made no stop until
> illur viðureignar.I think lit. "hard to have dealings with."
> Gunnar tók við þeim vel. Var þar frændsemi mikil með þeim Sigmundi.Sidmunds (there seems to be - plural - those Sigmunds - does this mean
> Gunnar greeted them well/warmly. There was a close kinship with the
> Er hér og vönd vistin.This is a difficult house (MM&HP) (moderate - is he not?)