40. kafli
Chapter 40
Nú koma tíðindin til þings og
lét Njáll segja sér þrem sinnum og mælti
síðan: "Fleiri gerast nú vígamenn
en eg ætlaði."
Now came those tidings to Thing, and Njal had it
repeated to him three times and spoke aferwards "More (people) are becoming
killers than I expected"
Skarphéðinn mælti: "Sjá maður hefir þó
helst hraðfeigur verið er látist
hefir fyrir fóstra vorum
Skarpheðin spoke "The man has to be doomed to
certain death (Z) to have been killed by our foster-father
er aldrei hefir séð mannsblóð og mundu það margir
ætla að vér bræður
mundum þetta fyrri gert hafa að því skaplyndi sem vér
who had never seen mans-blood. Most would expect
us brothers to be first to have done it from our
"Skammt munt þú til þess eiga," segir Njáll,
"að þig mun slíkt henda og mun
þig þó nauður til reka."
"soon may you have this " (you'll get your chance) says
Njall "that then you will be driven by need
Þeir gengu þá
til móts við Gunnar og sögðu honum vígið.
They (all) went to see Gunnar and they told him of the
Gunnar sagði að það var lítill mannskaði "en þó var hann
frjáls maður."
Gunnar said it was but little manslaughter (not a great
loss !!) "but just the same he was a free-man
Njáll bauð honum
þegar sættina.
Njall offered settlement at once
Gunnar játti því og skyldi hann sjálfur
dæma. Hann dæmdi þegar og gerði
hundrað silfurs. Njáll galt þegar féið og
sættust að því.
Gunnar accepted and judged for himself -
judged it as 100 of silver - Njal paid up at once and it was the
settlement (100 quid and we're squared)
Sigmundur hét maður. Hann var Lambason Sighvatssonar hins
A man was called Sigmund. He was the son of Lambi (who
was) son of Sighvat the red
Hann var
farmaður mikill, kurteis maður og vænn, mikill og
He was a great traveller handsome and well
mannered/well-bred - tall and strong
(well-bred - of good family but that does not mean
that much)
Hann var
metnaðarmaður mikill og skáld gott og að flestum
íþróttum vel búinn,
hávaðamaður mikill, spottsamur og ódæll.
He was an ambitious man (Z) and a good poet, and was
good at most sports, but (he was) boastful (Z) noisy and overbearing(Z) or is it
Hann kom út austur í Hornafirði.
He came to Iceland to Hornafjorð
Skjöldur hét félagi hans. Hann var sænskur maður og illur viðureignar.
Skjold was the name of his companion. He was Swedish
and - ill tempered (or ill spoken) - (don't like the Swedes do they Ljot was
Swedish as in Egil's Saga)
fengu sér hesta og riðu austan úr Hornafirði og luku eigi ferð
sinni fyrr en
þeir komu í Fljótshlíð til Hlíðarenda.
They got horses and rode east out of Hornafjorð and
made no stop until they came to Hliðarend in Flotshlið
Gunnar tók við þeim vel. Var þar
frændsemi mikil með þeim Sigmundi.
Gunnar greeted them well/warmly. There was a close
kinship with the Sidmunds (there seems to be - plural - those Sigmunds - does
this mean the two families are close-knit)
Gunnar bauð Sigmundi að vera þar um
veturinn. Sigmundur kvaðst það
þiggja mundu ef Skjöldur væri þar, félagi
Gunnar invited Sigmund to stay for the winter, Sigmund
declared that he would accept if Skjold was there - his
"Svo er mér frá honum sagt," sagði Gunnar, "að hann sé þér
engi skapbætir en
þú þarft hins heldur að bætt sé um með þér.
"According to what has been said to me" said Gunnar "he
does nothing to help/improve your temper, and it is what is needed in
Er hér og vönd vistin.
This is a difficult house (MM&HP)
(moderate - is he not?)
Vildi eg
ráða yður ráð frændum mínum að þér hlypuð eigi upp við
frameggjan Hallgerðar
konu minnar því að hún tekur það margt upp er fjarri
er mínum vilja."
I would advise you as (I advise) all my kinsmen that
you take not up the egging on (Z) of Hallgerð my wife for she takes onto much
(many things) that are against my wishes (against my will)
I hope I am not wrong - to feel better pleased with this bit that with
previous efforts and would be glad for any comments on it