From: llama_nom
Message: 7743
Date: 2007-01-14
> > Hann mælti: "E.g. vil að hann segi mér hvar hann hefir hulið hræ Atla.
> Mér ER
> sagt að hann hafi illa um búið."
> > He replied "I want him to say to me where he has hidden Atli's body.
> It is said to me that he had done (this ) badly
> I see him as a "Man on a Mission" - (play "Godfather" theme here,) and I
> assumed that since Bergthora had given him a 'contract' on Brynjolf
> the question of the disposal of Atli's corpse was merely an excuse.He had
> been given this job by the Godmother and it was an offer he couldnot refuse