From: llama_nom
Message: 7779
Date: 2007-01-27
> was that a kind of proverb?Yes, 'fluga' "a fly" - fishing metaphor: the fly is the "bait".
> En ef Hallgerður kemur annarri flugu í munn þér þá verður það þinnbani."
>- it is
> There was a part in Alan's translation that I appreciate better now
> where the very idiomatic phrase of Hallgerd putting a fly in hisear/mouth
> or whatever - was that a kind of proverb I saw the word of - fly -and was
> so convinced that I had it all wrong - I "cribbed" from MM&HP andforgot to
> mention it in my translation.
> Could Alan please explain how he got round that - it is the more literal
> translation s that
> I am finding sticky
> Kveðja
> Patricia
> We have such proverbs - what about - send him with a flea in his ear -
> similar