54141alexandru_mg32008-02-25PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54154Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54163alexandru_mg32008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54165Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54190alexandru_mg32008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54191Brian M. Scott2008-02-26Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54192Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54193Brian M. Scott2008-02-26Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54194alexandru_mg32008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54195alexandru_mg32008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54196Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54197Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54198Brian M. Scott2008-02-26Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54199alexandru_mg32008-02-26Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54200alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54201Brian M. Scott2008-02-27Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54202Brian M. Scott2008-02-27Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54203Brian M. Scott2008-02-27Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54204alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54205Brian M. Scott2008-02-27Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54206alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54207alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54211alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit and Baltic d- verbs
54212Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54214Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54215Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54217alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54218alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54219Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54220Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54221Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54223alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54224Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54227fournet.arnaud2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit and Baltic d- verbs
54230Patrick Ryan2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54231fournet.arnaud2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54232Patrick Ryan2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54234Richard Wordingham2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54236Rick McCallister2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54237Richard Wordingham2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54238alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit and Baltic d- verbs
54240Rick McCallister2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54242Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54243Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54244alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54245alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54246alexandru_mg32008-02-27Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54247tgpedersen2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54248Rick McCallister2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54252Patrick Ryan2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54254tgpedersen2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54255Rick McCallister2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54258fournet.arnaud2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54259alexandru_mg32008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54260Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54261alexandru_mg32008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54264fournet.arnaud2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit and Baltic d- verbs
54267fournet.arnaud2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54269Patrick Ryan2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54271fournet.arnaud2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54284Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54297alexandru_mg32008-02-28Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54302Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54305alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54306P&G2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54307alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54308alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54309alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54318Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54319Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54320Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54323alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54324alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54325alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54326Rick McCallister2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54327alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54328Rick McCallister2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54330Brian M. Scott2008-02-29Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54331Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54335alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54336Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54337Patrick Ryan2008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54338Richard Wordingham2008-02-29English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic dent
54339alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54340alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54341Rick McCallister2008-02-29Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54342alexandru_mg32008-02-29Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54343Brian M. Scott2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54344alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54345Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54346alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54347Richard Wordingham2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54348alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54349Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54350alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54351alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54352Brian M. Scott2008-03-01Re[2]: [tied] English Haplology and Degemination
54353alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54354tgpedersen2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54355tgpedersen2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54356Rick McCallister2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54357fournet.arnaud2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54361Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54362Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54363Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54364Richard Wordingham2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54365Richard Wordingham2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54366Richard Wordingham2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54371Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54372alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54373alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54374Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54375fournet.arnaud2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54380Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54382Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54383tgpedersen2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54384Brian M. Scott2008-03-01Re[2]: [tied] English Haplology and Degemination
54388Rick McCallister2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54389Rick McCallister2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54391Brian M. Scott2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54392Brian M. Scott2008-03-01Re[3]: [tied] English Haplology and Degemination
54395fournet.arnaud2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination (was meaning of the Germanic
54398Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54403alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54405alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54413Richard Wordingham2008-03-01Re: English Haplology and Degemination
54416alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54417Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54420Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54422Patrick Ryan2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54427Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54428Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54432alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54436alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54437tgpedersen2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54438alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54440alexandru_mg32008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54441Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54442Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54443Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54444tgpedersen2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54445Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-01Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54447tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54450Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54451Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54452tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54453tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54454tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54455Brian M. Scott2008-03-02Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54456Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54458Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54460Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54461Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54472alexandru_mg32008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54473Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54474alexandru_mg32008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54475tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54476tgpedersen2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54477alexandru_mg32008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54478Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54481Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54482Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54484Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54489Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54505Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54522Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54525Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54526Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54528Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54529Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54530Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54531Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54534Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54537Patrick Ryan2008-03-02Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54538Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54540fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54541fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54542Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54543Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54544Patrick Ryan2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54545Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54546fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54547fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54548fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54549Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54550Patrick Ryan2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54551fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54552Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54553Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54555fournet.arnaud2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54556tgpedersen2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54561alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54562alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54563alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54566alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54567Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54568Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54570alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54572alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54573Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54574alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54575Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54577Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54578alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54579Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54580alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54581Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54582alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54583Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54584alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54585Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54586alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54587Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54588Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54589alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54590Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54591alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54593alexandru_mg32008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54594Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54595Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-03Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54596alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54597Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54598alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54599Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54600alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54602alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54603Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54606Patrick Ryan2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54608alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54611fournet.arnaud2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54612Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54613Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54614fournet.arnaud2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54616fournet.arnaud2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54617Patrick Ryan2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54619alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54620alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54622Piotr Gasiorowski2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54623alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54625alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54626mcarrasquer2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54627alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54628Patrick Ryan2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54631Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54632fournet.arnaud2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54634Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54635fournet.arnaud2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54636mcarrasquer2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54637Patrick Ryan2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54657alexandru_mg32008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54669Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54670Sergejus Tarasovas2008-03-04Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54677tgpedersen2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54678tgpedersen2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54679Patrick Ryan2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54680tgpedersen2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54683fournet.arnaud2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54685tgpedersen2008-03-05Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54691Patrick Ryan2008-03-06Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit
54693Patrick Ryan2008-03-06Re: PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit