Re[2]: [tied] PIE meaning of the Germanic dental preterit

From: Brian M. Scott
Message: 54203
Date: 2008-02-27

At 7:00:25 PM on Tuesday, February 26, 2008, alexandru_mg3


> 'Frequency of use' to trigger or not the Haplology, is
> another story :

> 1. First, who should count, in our case?
> 2. Next, where the threshold is? :)

That's really a rather silly question. One grain of sand is
not a heap of sand. Ten grains of sand is not a heap of
sand. One hundred grains of sand is not a heap of sand.
One million grains of sand *is* a heap of sand. Where is
the threshold?

Some things just don't have precise thresholds.
