--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "alexandru_mg3" <alexandru_mg3@...>
> --- In cybalist@yahoogroups.com, "Patrick Ryan" <proto-language@>
> wrote:
> Marius
Patrick, mind-set & 'heart-set' are nouns in English, isn't it?
In PIE the constructions were quite similar:
*mn.s-dHeh1 'mindset' => Skt. me-dha': (noun)
*k^red-dHeh1- 'heartset' => Skt. s'rad-dha': (noun)
some others
As a general pattern we have dHeh1 as a full-grade
So I think that initially there there was the Noun 'heartset'-
>'belief' *k^red-dHeh1 that preceeded the verbal-formations
(as in *mn.s-dHeh1 'mindset'->'wisdom')