--- In
cybalist@yahoogroups.com, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
<miguelc@...> wrote:
> Baltic baidýti ~ bai~dît "to scare (away)" is a standard
> causative-iterative in -i:ti. These can be made from a verb
> or from a noun. In this case, at least in Lithuanian, there
> is no verb <baid->...
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
> miguelc@...
I didn't tell you anything till now on, regarding your answers to
Patrick like:
a) "bo:id as source of baid-(yti) in Lithuanian"
or regarding
b) "your bHh2i or bHih2" (this is like to to say that 'something is
black or white') in addition there is no *bHhi- possible in PIE
or regarding
c) "your PIE different derivations for the same verb one PIE
derivation for Latvian and one PIE derivation for Lithuanian" -> (->
where is the Common Baltic ?)
....hoping that finally you will renounce to play this sad game with
Patrick but to arrive to say that
d) "In this case, at least in Lithuanian, there is no verb <baid->..."
(when the verb is baidyti, you ask yourself where is a second verb
baid-?) is too much:
Following your sophism,...in order to have Latin facio: (Oscan
fakiian) we would need to have another verb 'fa:-k-o:' 'first'?
Sorry to tell you but this is 'ala-bala-portocala' :)
P.S. : Patrick, I'm not the person not to recognize when I'm rigth or
wrong (even if I'm right : so what? ; and when I'm wrong -> I will
learn something) -> the right and the wrong is above the person who
asserts that right or that wrong.
But trust me that he didn't want to help you in what he wrote
(he only played a very sad game...in all he wrote)