Earlier messages
53400fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53401fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53402fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53403fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53404Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-16Re: Salish (was Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-)
53405fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Indo-Iranian (IIr) homeland.
53406fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: [Courrier indésirable] [tied] Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white
53407fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53408fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53409fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: [Courrier indésirable] [tied] Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white
53410george knysh2008-02-16Re: Indo-Iranian (IIr) homeland.
53411fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53412etherman232008-02-16Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
53413etherman232008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53414Patrick Ryan2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53415fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
53416Brian M. Scott2008-02-16Re[4]: [tied] Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53417fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53418Richard Wordingham2008-02-16Juggernaut & Jagannath (was: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?)
53419Richard Wordingham2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53420Francesco Brighenti2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53421Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53422Richard Wordingham2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53423Patrick Ryan2008-02-16Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
53424Patrick Ryan2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53425Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53426Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53427fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53428Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53429Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53430Brian M. Scott2008-02-16Re[2]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53431Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53432Patrick Ryan2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53433Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53434Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-16Re: Juggernaut & Jagannath
53435etherman232008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53436Rick McCallister2008-02-16Indo-Aryans outside of India
53437Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53438Francesco Brighenti2008-02-16Re: Juggernaut & Jagannath
53439Daniel J. Milton2008-02-16Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53440Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53441george knysh2008-02-16Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53442jouppe2008-02-16Re: Indo-Uralic?
53443jouppe2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53444jouppe2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53445jouppe2008-02-16Re: Indo-Uralic?
53446fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53447jouppe2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53448fournet.arnaud2008-02-16Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re:[tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE.
53449Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53450Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53451Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re:[tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *
53452Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-16Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re:[tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *
53453Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53454Rick McCallister2008-02-16Spanish geminated vowels
53455Rick McCallister2008-02-16Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53456Francesco Brighenti2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53457jouppe2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53458jouppe2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53459jouppe2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53462Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53463Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53464Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-17Re: Spanish geminated vowels
53465Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-17Re: Spanish geminated vowels
53466stlatos2008-02-17Re: Vowel Coloring
53467stlatos2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53468george knysh2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53469jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53470Patrick Ryan2008-02-17Fw: [tied] Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53471jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53472jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53473mkelkar20032008-02-17Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53474Brian M. Scott2008-02-17Re[4]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53475Francesco Brighenti2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53476tgpedersen2008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53477tgpedersen2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53478tgpedersen2008-02-17[Courrier indésirable] Re:[tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWi
53479alexandru_mg32008-02-17Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India
53480jouppe2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53481jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53482jouppe2008-02-17Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53483fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: Re[2]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53484jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53485fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53486fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53487fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: Re[4]: [tied] Re: *a/*a: ablaut
53488fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53489fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: Indo-Uralic?
53490fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53491fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
53492mkelkar20032008-02-17Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53493alexandru_mg32008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
53494mkelkar20032008-02-17Can new Algor i thms reveal the
53495squilluncus2008-02-17Finnish KASKA
53496mkelkar20032008-02-17A possible Homeland of the Indo-European Languages
53497fournet.arnaud2008-02-17Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?
53498Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-17Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re:[tied] Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *
53499jouppe2008-02-17Re: PIE *a -- a preliminary checklist
Later messages