Re: Indo-Aryans outside of India

From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 53479
Date: 2008-02-17

--- In, Miguel Carrasquer Vidal
<miguelc@...> wrote:

> It says that Sobolevskij was the first to point to a link
> between Temarunda and *tem- "dark", but that Vasmer showed
> that the Scythian name for the Black Sea was different,
> containg Iranian *axs^aina "black, dark" (> Grk. Pontos
> Axeinos).

Axios River in Balkans (Vardar) historically cannot be in anyway a
Scythian Name.

And probably is a Dacian one < *n.-ks(e)y- 'black waters' as
Georgiev derived it.

> It also can't be Thracian/Cimmerian, because Thracian (for
> the Black Sea) would have been *kirs-mar/mor- (which he
> suggests as the etymon of the name Kimmerii <
> *kir(s)-mar-jo-).

Dacian attested Tamasi-dava (in a Romanian translation 'Cetatea
Neagra') contains the same root *tomh-

So the assumption that the Black Name "would [only] have been
*kirs-mar/mor-" is a non-sense.

> Not terribly convincing stuff. The Cimmerian etymology is
> interesting, though, in the category "se non è vero, è ben
> trovato".
> =======================
> Miguel Carrasquer Vidal

I agree here
