From: alexandru_mg3
Message: 53461
Date: 2008-02-17
> Very interesting analysis of different ethic groups in the Balkans
> the times of the Roman Empire sec I AD - III AD, bases ondifferent
> forms of burialof
> "Thus the basic division is:
> 1. - Roman grave-forms;
> 2. - alien grave-forms of non-Roman origin;
> 3. - and autochthonous grave-forms.
> Graves have been classified into these groups on the basis of an
> analysis of the following elements: manner of burial; grave-form;
> grave-goods; chronology; distribution; origin; and ethno-cultural
> traits."
> If the burial analysis of the author is quite interesting, when he
> arrived to make some historical considerations like:
> "The occurrence of Dacia grave-forms in the territory of Moesia
> Superior can be explained historically, for a considerable portion
> the Dacian population was transferred from the left to the rightbank
> of the Danube in the 1st century AD."number
> he shows some important misunderstandings regarding the Dacian
> Historical areal:
> 1. Herodotus placed the Getae between Heamus Mountains and Ister
> 2. Next, Burebista kingdom was spread on the right bank of the
> Danube too, till the Haemus mountains
> 3. Next, during different negociations with Domitian an Trajan ,
> Decebalus invoked several times the Dacian territories occupied by
> the Romans in the past.
> 4. Next, Moesia Superior & Moesia Inferior had an important
> of attested -davae,-dabe too (see Georgiev:Superior
> This really indicates that the Dacian Presence in Moesia
> (& Moesia Inferior) is a Historical one, not a post-Roman one...Try to take the map from here:
> But despite these misunderstandings, the burial analysis is quite
> interesting and shows us how the Romanization took place in that
> areal in the I-III centuries AD and also how the Christianism was
> spread in that times in the region.
> I regret not to have the whole book and to can read it in English
> Marius