From: stlatos
Message: 53466
Date: 2008-02-17
>If this is supposed to be the source of extern-, I don't agree. It
> On 2008-02-16 07:05, stlatos wrote:
> > n-N > s-N
> >
> > *enterno- > L internus, H istarna 'in the middle', istarnya- 'inside'
> It could be *h1ens-ter(n)o-, influenced by *h1eg^Hs-ter(n)o-.
>Yes, but I don't believe it. It's the result of incorrect etymology
> > sw- > st-
> >
> > *sworgheye 'lie ill' > H istarkya- 'fall ill'
> The variation s ~ st in Hittite has been proposed before
> is one of the examples quoted to illustrate it, but there are otherWell, that's probably from *r, not *or like the causative; both
> possibilities, esp. *(s)terg^H-, as in Ved. {(s)tr.h-} 'injure, harm',
> which forms a nasal present in Sanskrit (cf. Hitt. istarnink-).
> <istark-iya-> could be compared with *sworgH-eje-, but the basic form of
> the verb is an unextended consonantal stem (<istarkzi> etc.).
> > This also affects kYL- which became kYw- after the change kYw>kw
> >That doesn't explain:
> > kYw- > c^w-? > sw-
> >
> > *kYLu- > L clue:re, H istuwa- 'become famous'
> Why not the simplest solution: *steu- 'praise, (mid.) become famous'?
>Which is almost certainly related, and in exactly the same way as
> > *kYLewos > *swowos >> H istamas- 'hear, learn'
> >I disagree, it's the other way around, like in most IE.
> > The change of a special velar to a fricative before w is probably
> > also seen in:
> >
> > *gWixWwo- > *xWigWwo- > *xWidzwo- > *xWizw(a)- > H huisu- 'alive'
> The adjective is deverbal in Hittite
> stem (<huiszi>, ipv. <hue:s>).Why couldn't a verb from an adj. become such in Hittite?
> Again -- why not choose the simplestBecause that doesn't explain huit- in other forms and related
> solution: *h2wes- 'stay' --> 'exist, remain alive'?