From: stlatos
Message: 53467
Date: 2008-02-17
> --- In, george knysh <gknysh@> wrote:The etymology as given can't be right. If the meaning was 'dark
> > B[abaev]'s Temarunda analysis seems OK.
> On the contrary, to me its seems far-fetched:
> "*tem-arun-da, 'mother of the Dark, or Black, Sea', where *tem-
> means Vedic tamas- 'darkness', *arun- is Vedic arna- 'a stormy sea',
> and *da- fits well to Sanskrit dhe- 'to breast-feed'. This makes
> temarunda really 'a mother of the sea'.
> However, Babev's source is O. Trubachev's article "Temarundam 'Mater
> Maris'" available online at