Re: Meaning of Aryan: now, "white people"?

From: mkelkar2003
Message: 53473
Date: 2008-02-17

--- In, "fournet.arnaud" <fournet.arnaud@...>
> At any rate, I believe I have shown enough possible ways to
> reasonably reconcile the lexical exchange between the eastern IE
> languages and Uralic with an Indian Urheimat scenario (Elst 2000)."
> M. Kelkar
> ==========
> It does not account for Mordvin vrgas being a Sanscrit word
> not an iranian word.
> We are not dealing with PIE / Uralic lexical exchanges.
> But specific languages to specific languages.
> This is why your approach is basically flawed.
> Arnaud

Could be an "Amazing coincidence" like Mordvin pey and Nahali pey


M. Kelkar

> ==========
> >