Earlier messages
2300simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-10Re: KALL - meaning and derivation
2302Alfta2002-11-10Re: Week One - overview
2303fjornir2002-11-10Re: Week One - overview
2304fjornir2002-11-10Re: PS
2305simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-11Re: PS
2306simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-11exhaustive list of Icelandic words on
2307Alfta2002-11-11Re: Week One - overview
2308Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-11Week Two
2309Laurel Bradshaw2002-11-12Grim the Lame?
2310simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-13KAMBAN AND THE CELTIC LANGUAGES
2312simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-14Re: KAMBAN AND THE CELTIC LANGUAGES
2313simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-14Icelandic/Old Norse linguistic terms
2314fjornir2002-11-14Re: Icelandic/Old Norse linguistic terms
2315simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-14Re: Icelandic/Old Norse linguistic terms
2316simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-14QUESTIONS ABOUT FÆREYINGA SAGA 2
2318simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-14FÆREYINGA SAGA 2b
2319Dan Bray2002-11-14F2
2320Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-15Analysis - Week One
2321Sarah Bowen2002-11-15Færeyinga Saga - week 2
2322konrad_oddsson2002-11-16VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2 - "HEITA"
2323konrad_oddsson2002-11-16VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2 - "KALLA"
2324konrad_oddsson2002-11-16VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2 - "BÚA"
2325konrad_oddsson2002-11-16VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2, pt.1 - GENERAL
2326Dan Bray2002-11-16Week Two
2327Sarah Bowen2002-11-16Vocabulary lists
2328simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-16FÆREYINGA SAGA 2
2329Arlie Stephens2002-11-16Re: Week Two
2330Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-16Re: [norse_course] QUESTIONS ABOUT FÆREYINGA SAGA 2
2331Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-16Re: Week Two
2332Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-16Sarah's translation
2333Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-16Re: Week Two
2334Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-16Re: F2
2335Arlie Stephens2002-11-17Re: Week Two
2336Alfta2002-11-17Week Two
2337Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-18Re: Week Two
2338Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-19Week Three
2339Dan Bray2002-11-19Re: Week Three
2340Bjartmar Freyr Arnarsson2002-11-20[norse_course] Hæ people ..
2341Bjartmar Freyr Arnarsson2002-11-20Re: Week Three - Haleyri.. what it might be?
2342Dan Bray2002-11-20Re: Week Three
2343Alfta2002-11-20Re: Week Two
2345Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-20Re: Tostig
2346Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-20Re: Week Three
2347Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-20Re: Week Three
2348Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-20Reply to Baddi
2350simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-21Re: Tostig
2351simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-21Lesson 1 page 1 line 1
2352simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-21fornmál eða miðmál eða ?
2353simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-22FÆREYINGA SAGA 3 - MY QUESTIONS
2354Haukur Thorgeirsson2002-11-22Re: [norse_course] FÆREYINGA SAGA 3 - MY QUESTIONS
2355konrad_oddsson2002-11-23VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2, pt.2 - BEIÐA
2356konrad_oddsson2002-11-23VOCUBULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2, pt.2 - GENERAL
2357konrad_oddsson2002-11-23"Kamban" ok inn forni siðr - may you "beard"-blessed be
2358konrad_oddsson2002-11-23"RÁÐ" og "RÁÐA " í íslenzku
2359Lazarus Freyjasgodhi2002-11-23Mardoll
2360simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-23Færeyinga saga - 3
2361Dan Bray2002-11-24Re: "Kamban" ok inn forni siðr - may you "beard"-blessed be
2362Dan Bray2002-11-24Re: Week Three
2363Arlie Stephens2002-11-24Re: Week Three
2364fjornir2002-11-24Re: Mardoll
2365fjornir2002-11-24Re: Færeyinga saga - 3
2366fjornir2002-11-24Beards and Names
2367Sarah Bowen2002-11-24Færeyinga saga - week 3
2368konrad_oddsson2002-11-25Re: "Kamban" ok inn forni siðr - No questions asked
2369Bjartmar Freyr Arnarsson2002-11-26Re: Reply to Baddi Jamm - Takk.
2370Lazarus Freyjasgodhi2002-11-26Re: Mardoll
2371simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-26Re: [norse_course] Re: Færeyinga saga - 3
2372fjornir2002-11-26Re: Lesson 1 page 1 line 1
2373fjornir2002-11-26Fenrir on the loose
2374konrad_oddsson2002-11-26Project Primitive Norse - Frumnorræna - Urnordisk
2375simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-26Re: Lesson 1 page 1 line 1
2376simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-26Z versus S
2377simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-26Baggalútur on the loose
2378fjornir2002-11-26Re: Z versus S
2379fjornir2002-11-26Week Four
2380simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-27Icelandic etymological dictionary/site
2381Arndís Dúnja2002-11-27RE: [norse_course] Baggalútur on the loose
2382fjornir2002-11-27Re: Færeyinga saga - week 3
2384fjornir2002-11-27Re: Week Three
2385konrad_oddsson2002-11-27Haugen - 8.1 --- AT BÚA --- Saxit, Sólin, Lúðrinn ok Bálit Bja
2386simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-27Re: [norse_course] Baggalútur on the loose
2387David James2002-11-27Re: Icelandic etymological dictionary/site
2388simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-27mountains and forests
2389Dan Bray2002-11-28Re: Project Primitive Norse - Frumnorræna - Urnordisk
2390Dan Bray2002-11-28Drums...
2391konrad_oddsson2002-11-28Re: Project Primitive Norse - Frumnorræna - Urnordisk
2392konrad_oddsson2002-11-28mári aih Al(l)a mákija - who will read the rune?
2393konrad_oddsson2002-11-28Re: Drums...bumb...bumb...bumb...bumb...BUMBA!!!
2394simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-28Re: Drums...
2395simonfittonbrown@...2002-11-28is this correct, please?
2397jeffco2002-11-28Hverr; kvior
2398hveenegaard2002-11-28Re: Icelandic etymological dictionary/site
2399Alex2002-11-28I also ambeginner
Later messages