VOCUBULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2, pt.2 - GENERAL

From: konrad_oddsson
Message: 2356
Date: 2002-11-23

skip - skip, argosy, boat, vessel, schooner
munu (mun; mundi) - shall, will; should, would
þeir munu koma - they will come
hún mun fara - she will go
ég mundi fara, ef... - I would go, if...
hann kvaðst (ON -sk) mundi koma - he said he would come
lausafé - chattels, movables, movable property, portable property
ICE lausafjárskattur - tax on personal property
vilja - be willing; to wish, want
vilja ekki - be not willing; to not wish, want; to refuse
fara - to go
burt - aside, away, off
fá - to get; obtain; receive
selja - to sell, negotiate, dispose of
ON selja á leigu - to put out at interest
leiga - rent, hire, rental
ráða - see separate post
kaupeyrir - goods, wares; money
ON kaupeyrir - article(s) of trade, wares, cargo
ON boejarseta - dwelling (stay) in town
þykja - be thought to be; seem to be
ON myrkr ICE myrkur - adj. dark, murky, gloomy
skap - mood, vein, mind, temper, disposition, sheer, spirits
skap (þungt) - low spirits, dumps, depression, melancholy
ICE illur í skapi - illtempered
ICE í góðu skapi - in good humour, in high spirits
ON byrðingsmaðr - a merchant-seaman; -segl - sail of a byrðingr
ON byrðingr - merchant-ship
ICE byrðingur (siglingar/sjómennska - seamanship) - shell-plating
ICE eyri (í/á) - sandbank, gravel bank; (við strönd)- sand spit
ICE & ON háll - adj. slippery; ON þat var hált á ísinum (lit.: that
was slippery on the ice)
ON hallr - slope, hill; big stone
Haleyri - ON place-name; like "kamban" (which is related to words
like "kambr"(comb/crest), "kambr"(beard, moustache, "kambari"
(comb-maker) and is a nickname connected to the hair on the face
or head, "Haleyri" is a difficult word; like many other place-
names, it is probably archaic; if the word meant "slope-bank",
then it would be spelled "Halleyri" (w/2 L´s); we do, however,
know that A was raised to Á widely before L in Old Icelandic
(example: skáld = skald), thus opening up the possible meaning
"slippery-bank" for the compound word and place-name "Haleyri".
ON fjölmenni - many people, crowd
ICE fjölmenni - a great number of people, crowd of people, crowd
ICE markaður (ON markaðr) - market, fair, emporium
ICE Norðurlönd - the Nordic countries
ON norðrlönd - the northern countries, esp. Scandinavia
ON & ICE blár - adj. blue; black (b. sem kol - black as coal)
ICE blár í framan - black in the face
sumar - summer
ON vetr ICE vetur - winter

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