beiða - to ask, request
beiðast (ON -sk) - beg (for), crave (for); desire
beiðast e-s (ON -sk) - petition, ask (sth. of one), apply (for sth.)
beiðni - request, petition, application, request
ICE að beiðni - at the request (of)
ICE eftir beiðni - by request, at the request of
ON beiða (-dda, -ddr) (see entry #1) - to ask, beg, request; b. e-n
e-s or b. e-m (for one) e-s); b. e-s af e-m - to ask a thing of
or from a person; b. e-n máls, orða - to address one; with acc.,
b. lögbeiðing - to make a lawful request; refl., beiðask, to re-
quest on one´s own behalf (b. laga, griða); beiddr pp.unwilling,
reluctant (b. fór ek heiman at biðja þín, Guðrún).
ON beiðning f. = beiðni (see #4) = beiðsla - request, demand
ON beiðslumaðr - a person asking