Heill Konrad!
Sound like a great project. I would be happy to do what I can. I have had
some academic experience with historical linguistics, Germanic philology and
Indo-European philology.
konrad_oddsson wrote:
> "Primitive" Norse is believed to be the oldest Germanic language of
> which we have any record. It is, in fact, believed to be dangerously
> close to "Primitive" Germanic itself, the language from which every
> Germanic tongue is believed to have come. Nevertheless, PrN was a
> unique language. It was spoken by what is believed to have been a
> largely monolingual and rather isolated people. While there was a
> time when the curious could only speculate about what PrN might have
> looked like, that time is now gone. Radical advances in linguistics
> have been make which our forefathers could never have imagined. PrN
> is the Mother of Old Norse. For those such as myself who appreciate
> and admire Old Norse, which is a bright jewel of many wonders, and
> who are interested in comparative Scandinavian linguistics, a single
> written document in PrN would be a priceless possession. It would
> illuminate the whole field of Scandinavian linguistics like a sudden
> dawn after a night of centuries. As we possess no written document
> of any length in PrN, those who would desire such should ask the
> question: could such a document be produced? Given that several of
> the daughters of PrN have survived in one form or another, either as
> written or spoken tongues, and that advances in modern linguistics
> have been truely great and unprecedented in western history, it now
> seems that we can finally answer this question in the affirmative. I
> have, therefore, as an admirer and student of Old Norse, taken it
> upon myself to test the waters and openly ask the following question:
> who amoung you would be interested in working toward the restoration
> of PrN? I believe that beauties of Old Norse would be more apparent
> than ever before, better understood and better appreciated, were her
> ancient Mother to take her rightful seat beside her once again. Yet,
> despite the advances in linguistics and the fantastic rewards which
> such a restoration would bring, such a project could prove itself to
> be very difficult. Nevertheless, as I believe it to be well worth
> the effort, I am offering an open invitation to all diligent and
> sincere people with an interest in the topic to work together as a
> group toward this noble end. Bring whatever you have to the table.
> While committments of time would of course be the most valuable, any
> background in Germanic linguistics would be especially appreciated,
> whether academic or spoken. Remember, whatever dust we can wipe from
> the old diamond is for the bliss of glory of all. Let us delight our
> ancestors and make them smile. Let us speak with them again.
> Regards,
> Konrad.
> Sumir hafa kvæði...
> ...aðrir spakmæli.
> - Keth
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Daniel Bray
School of Studies in Religion A20
University of Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
"Nobody believes the official spokesman... but everybody trusts an
unidentified source." Ron Nesen