Hello :-)
Thought I'd share this with you.
Baggalútur is an Icelandic silly-news web; similar to
The Onion. According to this item the Fenris-wolf has
- once again - broken loose from its "fjöturr".
"Þetta er í þriðja sinn sem úlfurinn sleppur á þessu ári
og hafa bæjaryfirvöld hótað ásum að skepnan verði aflífuð
komi þetta fyrir aftur."
"This is the third time the wolf escapes this year
and the municipal authorities have threatened the Æsir
that the creature will be killed if this happens again."
- - -
From the verb:
skepja - skóp - skópum - skapit; create (shape)
the noun:
skepna, -u; creature
is derived.