On Tue, Nov 19, 2002 at 12:41:40PM -0000, Haukur Thorgeirsson wrote:
> Heil!
> I'm still lagging behind on a few things - but here is
> this week's text:
> http://www.hi.is/~haukurth/norse/reader/faerey3.html
> Enjoy :-)

I've done a rather worse job than usual, partly from haste, and partly
because I was hitting expressions that I couldn't quite make sense out of.
So this translation is litteral enough that it doesn't properly make clear
what was meant in some places.

Þorlákr beiddi Þránd eftir skiptit at hann mundi hafa heimabólit,
Þorlákr asked Þrándr after the division to let him have the homestead

en hann lausafé meira, en Þrándr vildi þat eigi.
and he (would have) more moveable property, but Þrándr didn't want that (it).

Fór Þorlákr þá í burt ok fekk sér annan bústað þar í eyjunum.
Þorlákr then went away and got himself another dwelling-place there
in the islands.

Þrándr seldi á leigu landit í Götu mörgum mönnum ok tók leigu sem mesta,
Þrándr rented out (sold at rent) the land at Göti (to) many people and took
as much rent as possible [this is a guess; litteral looks like "as most rent"],

en hann réðsk til skips um sumarit ok hafði lítinn kaupeyri
and he hired? [for] a ship in the summer and had few (little) trade goods.

ok fór til Noregs ok hafði boejarsetu um vetrinn ok þótti jafnan myrkr í skapi.
and he went to Norway and had a dwelling there through the winter and seemed
equal darkness in disposition. [was his temper as dark as the Scandinavian
winter ... i.e. very dark ... i.e. depressed and/or angry and/or ???]

Þá réð fyrir Noregi Haraldr gráfeldr.
Then he went before Harald Greyskin of Norway.

Um sumarit eftir fór Þrándr með byrðingsmönnum suðr til Danmerkr
In the next summer Þrándr went south to Denmark with merchant seamen

ok kom á Haleyri um sumarit.
and came to Haleyr in the summer.

Þar var þá fjölmenni sem mest, ok svá er sagt,
There was then a crowd of men as most [presumably a really big crowd, perhaps
as big as any], and he said thus,

at þar kømr mest fjölmenni hingat á Norðurlönd meðan stendr markaðrinn.
that in that place came the biggest crowd of people hither to Northland when
the market stands.

Þá réð fyrir Danmörk Haraldr konungr Gormsson er kallaðr var blátönn.
Then he went before Harald Gorm's son, king of Denmark, who was called
blue tooth.

Haraldr konungr var á Haleyri um sumarit ok fjölmenni mikit með hánum.
King Harald went to Haleyr in the summer and a great crowd of people with him.


(Arlie Stephens arlie@...)