VOCABULARY - Færeyinga Saga - chapter 2 - "BÚA"

From: konrad_oddsson
Message: 2324
Date: 2002-11-16

"hann bjó í Austrey í Færeyjum" - BÚA gives us some insight into how
most Nordic people have lived for many centuries:

bú - household, farming; housekeeping
bú (jarðeign, dánarbú) - estate
bregða búi - to give up farming, housekeeping
sitja í óskiptu búi - to retain the undivided estate
búa (hafa bú) - to farm; keep house
búa(st)(ON -sk) - to array (oneself), dress
búa (gulli, silfri) - to mount (with gold, silver)
búa (eiga heima) - to live, reside
fara að búa - to settle as a farmer; begin to (set up) housekeeping
búa (hafa aðsetur) - to reside
hætta að búa - to give up farming
búa saman (eins og gift hjón) - to cohabit
búa (klæða) - to dress, attire, array, clothe, endue
búa sig (klæðast ON -sk) - to dress, dress up
búa sig undir það versta - to prepare for the worst
búa til - to make, construct; frame; manufacture, produce
búa til (nýtt orð) - to coin
búa til (setningu) - to construct, frame
búa til (drykk, mat) - to brew, concoct, prepare; (lyf) prepare
búa(st)(ON -sk) til ófriðar - to prepare for war
búa um rúm - to make the bed
búa undir e-ð - to prepare for something
búa undir prentun - to edit, redact, prepare for printing
búa út - to fit out, equip; endue
búa út (fyrir) - to adapt (for)
búa við e-ð - to live under something, put up with something
búa vopnum/vopni (ON vápnum/vápni) - to arm
búa yfir e-u - to have in mind; hide; refrain from telling; be up to
búandi (bóndi) - farmer
búandi (íbúi) - resident
búast (ON -sk) - to get oneself ready
búast (ON -sk) til að (ON at) - to be about to
búast (ON -sk) til lendingar - to approach land
búast (ON -sk) við - to expect; anticipate
búbót - increase of the stores in one´s housekeeping
ON búfastr, ICE búfastur - adj. domiciled, resident, settled
búferli (flytjast búferlum) - change of place of residence
búfesta - settlement, domicilation
búfé - livestock
búfjárhagi - homepasture
ON búfróðr, ICE búfróður - conversant with farming
búfræði - agronomy, rural economy, husbandry
ICE búfræðilegur - adj. agronomical
ICE búfræðingur - agronomist, rural economist
ON búgarðr, ICE búgarður - large farm, estate
ICE búhagur - economical circumstances
ICE búhagur - adj. skilled in making and preparing farming implements
ICE búhnykkur - economical expedient
ICE búhokur - small farming
búhygginn - adj. economical, provident
búhyggja - economical care, economy, providence
ICE búhöldur - farmer, husbandman
búi - dweller, inhabitant; (í fornum lögum) neighbor
búinn til e-s - ready, willing
við e-u búinn - prepared for
búinn - adj. equipped, fitted, furnished (with); dressed; endowed w/
búinn (gulli) - adj. adorned, mounted (with gold)
búinn (hafa lokið e-u) - finished
búinn að vera (útsleginn) - done for, down & out
búinn (soðinn, steiktur o.s.frv. = etc.) - done (about food, etc.)
búinn (á enda) - over, up, finished; at an end, done with, settled
búið og gert - an accomplished fact (ICE expression)
búið (vera á enda) over, up, finished, at an end, settled, done with
bújörð - farm, estate
ON búmaðr, ICE búmaður - husbandman
ICE búmannlegur - adj. like a skilled husbandman; economical, thrifty
búmennska - skilfulness in husbandry, farming
ICE búnaðaráhald - agricultural tool
ICE búnaðarfélag - agricultural society
ICE búnaðarfræði - agricultural economy
ON búnaðarháttr, ICE búnaðarháttur - mode of husbandry
ICE búnaðarlög - agricultural laws
ICE búnaðarskóli - agricultural school
ICE búnaðarskýrsla - agricultural statistics
ICE búnaðartímarit - agricultural journal
ICE búnaður, ON búnaðr - farming, husbandry
ICE búnaður (búningur) - attire, dress
ICE búnaður (út-) - outfit, equipment
ICE búnaður (hermanna) - soldiers´ outfit
búast (ON - sk) (vel, illa) - one has (good, bad) luck as a farmer
ON búningr, ICE búningur - costume, dress, attire, array, clothing,
apparel, vesture (dress), raiment, clothes; gear, outfit
búnyt - milk
ON búpeningr, ICE búpeningur - livestock
búsafurðir - farming produce
búsáhyggjur - household cares
búsáhöld - household appliances
búseta - domiciliation, settlement; residence, adode, dwelling-place
ON búsettr, ICE búsettur - adj. resident, settled, domiciled
búsforráð - disposal of an estate, commandment of an estate
búshlutir - chattels, effects
búsifjar - neighborship, neighborliness
veita e-m þungar búsifjar - to be a troublesome neighbor to a person
búskaparkunnátta - knowledge of farming
búskaparlag - method of farming
ON búskapr, ICE búskapur - household; farming, husbandry
búslóð - household articles
búsmali - livestock; milchcows
ON bústaðr, ICE bústaður - residence, dwelling-place, habitation,
place of abode, dwelling, place
bústjórn - managemnent of a household
bústofn - livestock, stock
bústýra - (female) housekeeper
búsýsla - farming affairs, household affairs; farming
búsæld - adundance in a household
búsæll - adj. prosperous, flourishing
búverk - household work, dairy work
búverka - to do household work, do dairy work
ICE búvélageymsla (-hús) - shed for farm/household implements

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