kona - woman; wife
ON sonr, ICE sonur - son
eiga - to possess, have, own, call (a thing) one´s own
gamall - old; ON ellri/ICE eldri - older; ON ellztr/ICE elztur -
oldest; Note: these are the standard dictionary forms
ON ungr/ICE ungur - young; yngri - younger; ON yngstr/ICE yngstur -
ON efniligr, ICE - efnilegur adj. promising, hopeful
ON sterkr, ICE sterkur - adj. strong, powerful, solid, brawny, sturdy
mikill - adj. great, big, large, extensive, ample; grand; much
ON með því móti - in that way
ICE með því móti - in that way, on condition that
þroskast (ON -sk) - to be in the process of development, develope,
bring (come) to maturity, ripen
ON miseldri - disparity in age
bróðir - brother
ON freknóttr, ICE freknóttur - adj. freckly, freckled
andlit - face, countenance, visage, aspect
ON fríðr, ICE fríður - beautiful, handsome, comely, fine, goodlooking
ON fríðr sýnum - beautiful, handsome, etc.
ON auðigr, ICE auðugr - adj. rich, wealthy, opulent, abundant (in)
ICE & ON tíðindi - news, tidings, events
verða til tíðinda - to happen
er þetta var tíðinda - when this happened
kvænast (ON -sk) - to marry (said of a male)
ON kvændr, ICE kvændur - adj. married; wedded
ON bráðliga, ICE bráðlega - adv. soon, after a short time, presently,
andast (ON -sk) - to die, decease
heygja - to bury in a mound (ON haugr)
ON heygðr, ICE heygður - adj. buried in a mound
forn - adj. ancient, antique; antiquated, archaic; time-honoured
ON siðr, ICE siður - custom, habit; conduct, moral life; religion,
faith; ON forn siðr - ancient custom/faith/religion
heiðinn - heathen
skipta - to divide, part, distribute, change
ON arfr, ICE arfur - inheritance, patrimony
ON heimaból - homestead, manor
gersemi - jewel, treasure, precious thing
leggja - lay; place, put
ON leggja (bera) hluti í skaut - to lay/bare (throw - Zoëga) the lots
into a cloth (lap of a garment);
ON hlutr - lot; amulet, talisman; share, allotment; part (of a whole)
participation; condition, position, lot; thing
ICE hlutur - thing; matter; subject; share; part; portion; lot;
allotment; affair; corpus
hljóta - to aquire, get by lot, have allotted to oneself; get, gain