"hann var kallaðr Götuskeggr" - Here is a list showing some ways in
which to basic verb KALLA is used. Some related nouns are also
included for interest. Entries # 3,6,11,13 & 17(2nd to last) are the
most important ones to learn. Enjoy.
kall - call, cry, yell, shout, clamor, calling, shouting
kall (köllun) - calling
kalla - to call, shout, cry; clamor
kalla aftur (afturkalla) - to countermand, cancel
kalla aftur til lífsins - recall from the grave, recall to life
kalla á - to call on
kalla á hjálp - to cry out for help
kalla e-ð aftur - recall, revoke
kalla e-n illum nöfnum - to call a person names
kalla fyrir rétt - to cite, summon to appear in court
kalla (nefna nafn) - to name; denominate
kalla saman - to convoke, convene, call together
kalla (segja) - to say, assert
kalla til vopna, ON vápna - to summon to arms
kalla upp - to call out
láta kalla e-n til sín - to send for one, have one sent for
ON vera kallaðr (nefndr), ICE vera kallaður (nefndur) - to pass by
the name of
kallari - crier, caller, herald