exhaustive list of Icelandic words on http://cerium.raunvis.hi.is/~tpr/latex/ord


Just wanted to share this with anyone interested.

It looks to me very much like a pretty exhaustive list of Icelandic words. (I think we have firmly established the relevance of Icelandic to Old Norse by now.) Not just the nominatives/infinitives, but all the inflected forms.

For instance, having been introduced to the word auðigr, I wished to know if its modern Iceland equivalent auðugur also lost the vowel following the
ð in its modern forms. (My understanding, possibly wrong, is that the ending -ur doesn't have the same "weight" as other endings, perhaps because of course it did not exist in Old Norse.) So I tapped in "auðg" and got nothing germane; however, when I tapped in "auðug" I got a whole list of forms which obviously were, and concluded that the word doesn't lose the vowel following the ð in its modern forms.

The only trouble is that it takes ages to load, being so long. Still, you could go and make a cup of tea or something....

