From: Haukur Thorgeirsson
Message: 2331
Date: 2002-11-16
> I guessed borinn for a past participle of bera.It is true, nevertheless.
> That didn't entirely make sense.
> Þorbjörn hét maðr; hann var kallaðr Götuskeggr.Good.
> A man was named Þorbjörn: he was called Götuskeggr. (Gata(???)'s Beard?)
> Hann bjó í Austrey í Færeyjum. Guðrún hét kona hans.Good.
> He lived in Austrey in the Faroes. His wife was named Guðrún.
> Þau áttu tvá sonu; hét Þorlákr inn ellri, en Þrándr inn yngri.Exactly.
> They had two sons. The elder was called Þorlákr, and the younger
> (was called) Þrándr.
> Þeir váru efniligir menn.Correct.
> They were promising men.
> Þorlákr var bæði mikill ok sterkr;Correct.
> Þorlákr was both big and strong;
> Þrándr var ok með því móti þá er hann þroskaðisk, en miseldri þeiraThat was a very difficult sentence but you got it exactly right.
> broeðra var mikit. Þrándr was the same (lit. "also along with that
> manner") when he had grown to full strength (þroskaðisk could be simply
> "was fully grown", but strength seems implied), and the disparity of
> age between the brothers was large.
> Þrándr var rauðr á hár ok freknóttr í andliti, fríðr sýnum.Very good.
> Þrándr was a handsome looking redhead with a freckled face
> (more lit.: Þrándr was red of hair and freckled in face, handsome to
> sight.)
> Þorbjörn var auðigr maðr ok var þá gamall, er þetta var tíðenda.More or less.
> Þorbjörn was a rich man and was then old, when that (there? ??þetta??)
> was news.
> Þorlákr kvændisk þar í eyjunum ok var þó heima með föður sínum í Götu.Correct.
> Þorlákr married there in the islands and was nevertheless at home with
> his father at (in) Gata (???).
> Ok bráðliga er Þorlákr var kvæntr andaðisk Þorbjörn Götuskeggr,Correct. You probably mean "(when)" where you wrote "(then)".
> But soon after (then) Þorlákr was married Þorbjörn Götuskeggr died,
> ok var hann heygðr ok út borinn at fornum sið,More or less.
> and he was buried and carried out according to ancient customs
> því at þá váru heiðnar allar Færeyjar.Not quite. Or, at least, not literally.
> because at that time all in the Faroes were heathen.
> Synir hans skiptu arfi með sér,Correct.
> his sons divided (the) inheritance among themselves,
> ok vildi hvártveggi hafa heimabólit í Götu,Correct. But why do you throw in three question marks every
> and each one wanted to have the homestead in Gata (???),
> því at þat var in mesta gørsimi.Yes. More literally:
> because it was the most valuable.
> Þeir lögðu hluti á, ok hlaut Þrándr.Good attempt. But I think the meaning is:
> They divided (the inheritance) into shares
> [prepared to a portion?] and Þrándr won it by lot.