Thank you.
Then "-döll" in Mardöll could/would be related to "-dall" in Heimdall.
It'd be nice if their translations could be triangulated but using any
definitions are confusing.
Heimdall =? Valley-Home or Home-Light
Mardoll =? Valley-Sea or Sea-Light or Wound-Valley or Wound-Light
There has to be understandable meaning there somewhere.
Oh well.
----- Original Message -----
From: "fjornir" <haukurth@...>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, November 24, 2002 9:55 AM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Mardoll
> > "-doll" on the other hand doesn't seem to have any connection with
> > 'light' in any form that I can find. It's possible that it's a
> > noun-form with some sort of vowel mutation - but I can't find
> > anything that it might come from.
> You're right about the vowel mutation; 'döll' is derived
> from 'dallr' by u-mutation. Or at least that's the theory
> but we have no definite evidence for the 'dall-' root having
> the meaning of 'light' in Old Norse.
> *dall-ó > *dallu > *döllu > döll
> *dall-az > *dallaR > *dallR > dallr
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