Earlier messages
9000AThompson2008-02-22Re: Njall 89 end / Alan's Translation
9001Patricia2008-02-22Njal Ch 89 to end - Patricia's Translation
9002Fred and Grace Hatton2008-02-22which language to learn
9003wildhare132008-02-23Re: which language to learn
9004llama_nom2008-02-23Old Norse Audio
9005llama_nom2008-02-23Re: Old Norse Audio
9006llama_nom2008-02-25Atlakviða með skýringum (Atlakviða with Explanations)
9007Patti (Wilson)2008-02-25Re: [norse_course] Atlakviða með skýringum (Atlakviða with Expla
9008Paul Peterson2008-02-25Modern Germanic languages
9009N thomsen2008-02-25RE: [norse_course] Atlakviða með skýringum (Atlakviða with Expla
9010Fred and Grace Hatton2008-02-25Njall 90 + beginning 91
9011Fred and Grace Hatton2008-02-26Njall 90 + 91 beginning - - Grace's translation
9012AThompson2008-02-26Re: Njall 90 + beginning 91 / Alan's translation
9013Patricia2008-02-26Njal's Saga Ch90 & Begin Ch91 Patricia's Translation
9014Patricia2008-02-28Njal's Saga Ch91 Part two From Patricia
9015AThompson2008-02-29Re: Njal's Saga Ch91 / Alan's Translation
9016Patricia2008-02-29Re Njal's Saga part two
9017Fred and Grace Hatton2008-02-29Njall 91 part 2 - - Grace's translation
9018Patricia2008-02-29Njal's Saga Ch 91 part two Patricia's Translation
9019llama_nom2008-03-01Re: Njal's Saga Ch91 / Alan's Translation
9020llama_nom2008-03-01Re: Njall 91 part 2 - - Grace's translation
9021llama_nom2008-03-01Re: Njall 91 part 2 - - Grace's translation (a correction to what I
9022llama_nom2008-03-01Re: Njal's Saga Ch 91 part two Patricia's Translation
9023Patti (Wilson)2008-03-01Re: Njal's Saga Ch 91 part two Patricia's Translation
9024NormaJeanClark@...2008-03-01Re: Njal's Saga Ch91 / Alan's Translation
9025llama_nom2008-03-02Re: Njal's Saga Ch91 / Alan's Translation
9026llama_nom2008-03-03Re: Atlakviða extract videos
9027Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-03Njall 91 part 3
9028Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-03Thanks, LN!
9029Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-03Njall 91 part 3 - - Grace's translation
9030AThompson2008-03-04Re: Njall 91 part 3 / Alan's Translation
9031llama_nom2008-03-04Re: Njall 91 part 3 / Alan's Translation
9032jay_py0122008-03-04hi there!!!
9033llama_nom2008-03-04Re: Njall 91 part 3 - - Grace's translation
9034Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-04Thanks, Alan!
9035Patti (Wilson)2008-03-04Re: Thanks, Alan!
9036N thomsen2008-03-05Re: hi there!!!
9037Justin Farwell2008-03-05Re: hi there!!!
9038llama_nom2008-03-05Re: hi there!!!
9039jay_py0122008-03-05Re: hi there!!!
9040jay_py0122008-03-05Re: hi there!!!
9041Patricia2008-03-05Njal's Saga Ch91 part 3 Patricia's Translation
9042Justin Farwell2008-03-06Re: hi there!!!
9043jay_py0122008-03-06Re: hi there!!!
9044llama_nom2008-03-06Re: Njal's Saga Ch91 part 3 Patricia's Translation
9045Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-06Njall 91 end + 92 beginning
9046Justin Farwell2008-03-06Re: hi there!!!
9047llama_nom2008-03-07Re: hi there!!!
9048Justin Farwell2008-03-07Re: hi there!!!
9049llama_nom2008-03-07Egil's Bones by Jesse L. Byock
9050llama_nom2008-03-07Re: hi there!!!
9051AThompson2008-03-07Re: Njall 91 end + 92 beginning / Alan's Translation
9052Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-07Njall 91 end + 92 beginning- - Grace's translation
9053jay_py0122008-03-07Re: hi there!!!
9054Patricia2008-03-07Njal 91 - end and begin 92
9055Lee2008-03-08elementary question
9056Patti (Wilson)2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9057llama_nom2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9058N thomsen2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9059llama_nom2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9060Patti (Wilson)2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9061N thomsen2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9062LM2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9063LM2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9064N thomsen2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9066Lee2008-03-08Re: elementary question/ The CD I have is:
9067LM2008-03-08Re: elementary question/ The CD I have is:
9068LM2008-03-08Re: elementary question
9069Lee2008-03-08Re: hi there!!!
9070jay_py0122008-03-08Re: hi there!!!
9071Scott Schroder2008-03-09Re: elementary question/ The CD I have is:
9072Scott Schroder2008-03-09Re: elementary question/ The CD I have is:
9073llama_nom2008-03-10Declension of 'teinn' (assimilation and dissimilation).
9074Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-10Njall 92 part 2
9075Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-10Njall 92 part 2 - - Grace's translation
9076llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njall 91 end + 92 beginning- - Grace's translation
9077llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njall 91 end + 92 beginning / Alan's Translation
9078AThompson2008-03-11Re: Njall 92 part 2 / Alan's Thompson
9079llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njall 92 part 2 / Alan's Thompson
9080Patricia2008-03-11Njal's Saga Ch92 Part 2 Patricia's Translation
9081llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njal's Saga Ch92 Part 2 Patricia's Translation
9082Patti (Wilson)2008-03-11Re: Njal's Saga Ch92 Part 2 Patricia's Translation
9083llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njall 92 part 2 - - Grace's translation (gýligjafar?)
9084llama_nom2008-03-11Re: gýligjafar?
9085Patti (Wilson)2008-03-11Re: [norse_course] Re: Njall 92 part 2 - - Grace's translation (gýl
9086llama_nom2008-03-11Re: Njall 92 part 2
9087Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-12Thanks, LN!
9088Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-13Njall 92 part 3
9089Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-13Njall 92 part 3 - - Grace's translation
9090AThompson2008-03-14Re: Njall 92 part 3 / Alan's Translation
9091Patricia2008-03-14Njal's Saga Ch93part3 Patricia's Translation
9092Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-17Njall 92 end
9093Fred and Grace Hatton2008-03-17Njall 92 end - - Grace's translation
9094Patricia2008-03-17Njal 92 to end Patricia's Translation
9095AThompson2008-03-18Re: Njall 92 end / Alan's Translation
9096llama_nom2008-03-19Re: Njall 92 end / Alan's Translation (með svo skjótri svipan)
9097Patti (Wilson)2008-03-19Re: [norse_course] Re: Njall 92 end / Alan's Translation (með svo s
9098llama_nom2008-03-19Re: Njall 92 end / Alan's Translation
9099AThompson2008-03-19RE: [norse_course] Re: Njall 92 end / Alan's Translation (með svo s
Later messages