They are so very similar
Quick scan through reveals the Speakers name and much information
Name Hrafn - 17 years old - lives in Denmark - where it is pleasant but has a lot of Rain (?)
Hrafn owns a Cat called Ninja whom he loves dearly - has one sister (could not get much from a quick glance at the info about her)
But Hrafn loves the old Norwegian Language this was apparent - when I ignored completely the ON Text and tried to read the Modern Text alone
Thank you Friend Thomsen this was most informative
-------Original Message-------
this is my description from me VF profile. Old Norse: Hæ ek heiti Hrafn, ek er 17 ára stúlka ^^ Ek bý í Danmörku. sætt lítið land, en vit höfum of mikila rigningu. Ek á einn kött, hann heitir Ninja *ek elska hana ^^ * Ek á ok eina systur, hon er hlgileg XD Ek vil læra Norrnu mál, en hon er svo eftið >.< En ek elska allt Norrnt, Norrna nafn mitt er hmm, þat vil ek eigi sigja xb Icelandic: Hæ ég heiti Hrafn, ég er 17 ára stúlka ^^ Ég bý í Danmörku. Sætt lítið land, en við höfum of mikla rigningu. Ég á einn kött, hann heitir Ninja *ég elska hana^^ * Ég á og eina systur, hún er hlægileg XD Ég vil læra Norrænu, en hún er svo erfið >.< En ég elska allt Norrænt, Norræna nafn mitt er hmm, það vil ég ekki segja xb hope that helps ^^ To: From: wildhare13@... Date: Sat, 8 Mar 2008 03:59:12 +0000 Subject: [norse_course] elementary question How similar is Icelandic to Norse? Is Norse different from Old Norse?
Apologies for being a bit obtuse.. I learned a poem from the edda.. recite in old norse.. I'd like to have more CD's to listen to. is there an "old norse on CD" anywhere? Please don't burn me for asking an elementary question.. I have been lurking on the site for a couple months now. I have a fascination with language.. so although I might not be able to translate fully.. I like learning while commuting, I have one CD of Old Norse... thanks Express yourself instantly with MSN Messenger! MSN Messenger | ||