From: llama_nom
Message: 9081
Date: 2008-03-11
>"that no one is their equal", "no one is a match for them". 'sé' is
> að engi sé þeirra maki
> that (there are) none of their make
> síð er Gunnar að Hlíðarenda lést"since Gunnar of Hlíðarendi died". See my comments for Alan about 'síð
> since Gunnar of Hliðarend
> og er það líkara að hér dragi öðrum hvorum til bana."Yes: it will lead to death for one (side) or the other.
> and it is here (in this case) more like to lead to someone's death
> sæmilegumWell spotted! 'seemly' and the verb 'to seem' are indeed loanwords
> honourable [...] (sounds like "seemly")
> Þráinn svarar: "Hræðsla er það og vil eg það eigi."So they say... 'hræðsla' (ON normalised spelling 'hræzla') is a noun,
> Thrain replies "That sounds fearful - and I want not that"
> [does not pride go before a stumble and a hasty spirit before a fall]
> í litklæðum"in coloured clothing", I think, rather than specifically
> light coloured clothing