Njall 92 part 2 - - Grace's translation
From: Fred and Grace Hatton
Message: 9075
Date: 2008-03-10
"Vera má að svo sé," segir Runólfur, "en eg hefi hina skilning að engi sé
þeirra maki síð
"(It) may be that (it) be so," says Runolf, "but I have the opposite opinion
that none be their match since
er Gunnar að Hlíðarenda lést og er það líkara að hér dragi öðrum hvorum til
when Gunnar at Hlidarend died and it is more likely? here drags each the
other to death."
Þráinn kveðst ekki það mundu hræðast.
Þráinn said of himself (he) would not be afraid of it.
Þá fór Þráinn upp í Mörk og var þar tvær nætur. Síðan reið hann ofan í Dal
og var hann
Then Þráinn went up to Mork and was there two nights. After that he rode
down into Dale and he was
hvartveggja út leystur með sæmilegum gjöfum.
in each of two (places) handed out honourable gifts.
Markarfljót féll í meðal höfuðísa og voru á smár spengur hér og hvar. Þráinn
sagði að
(The) Markar river fell between two ice peaks and here and there were small
ice-strips (M & P). Þráinn said that
hann ætlaði heim að ríða um kveldið. Runólfur mælti að hann skyldi eigi heim
ríða, sagði
he intended to ride home during the evening. Runolf spoke that he should
not ride home, said
það varlegra vera að fara eigi sem hann hefði sagt.
it to be cautious to go not as he had said.
Þráinn svarar: "Hræðsla er það og vil eg það eigi."
Þráinn answers, "That is (acting) fearful? and I don't want (any part of)
Göngukonur þær er þeir Þráinn reiddu yfir fljótið komu til Bergþórshvols og
Those traveling women who Þráinn (and company) carried over the river came
to Bergthor's Knoll and Bergthora asked
Bergþóra hvaðan þær væru en þær sögðust vera austan undan Eyjafjöllum.
whence they were (come) and they said of themselves to be from the east
below Eya Fells.
"Hver reiddi yður yfir Markarfljót?" segir Bergþóra.
"Who carried you over Markar River?" says Bergthora.
"Þeir er mestir oflátar voru," segja þær.
"They who were most arrogant," they say.
"Hverjir voru þeir?" segir Bergþóra.
"Who were they?" says Bergthora.
"Þráinn Sigfússon," sögðu þær, "og fylgdarmenn hans en það þótti oss að er
þeir voru svo
Þráinn Sigfus' son," they said, "and his followers and it seemed to us that
they were so
fjölorðir og illorðir hingað til bónda þíns og sona hans."
talkative and foul-mouthed about your husband and his sons hither."
Bergþóra mælti: "Margir kjósa eigi orð á sig."
Bergthora spoke, "Many choose not words about themselves."
Síðan fóru þær í braut og gaf Bergþóra þeim gýligjafar og spurði þær hvenær
Afterwards they went away and Bergthora gave them golden? gifts and asked
them how soon Þráinn
mundi heim koma. Þær sögðu að hann mundi vera heiman fjórar nætur eða fimm.
would come home. They said that he would be (away) from home four nights or
five. Afterwards
sagði Bergþóra sonum sínum og Kára mági sínum og töluðu þau lengi leynilega.
Bergthora told her sons and Kari her son-in-law and they talked long
En þann morgun hinn sama er þeir Þráinn riðu austan þá vaknaði Njáll snemma
og heyrði
And that very same morning when they Þráinn (and company) rode from the east
then Njall awakened early and heard
að öx Skarphéðins kom við þili. Stendur þá Njáll upp og gengur út. Hann sér
að synir
that Skarphedinn's axe came against ( the) partition. Njall gets up then
and goes out. He sees that his sons
hans eru með vopnum allir og svo Kári mágur hans. Skarphéðinn var fremstur.
Hann var í
are all with weapons and also Kari his son-in-law. Skarphedinn was
foremost. He was in
blám stakki og hafði törguskjöld og öxi sína reidda um öxl. Næst honum gekk
Kári. Hann
a blue cloak and had a target shield and his axe carried on (his) shoulder.
Next to him Kari went. He
hafði silkitreyju og hjálm gylltan, skjöld og var dreginn á leó. Næst honum
gekk Helgi.
had a silken jerkin and gilt helmet and a shield and (on it) was drawn a
lion. Next to him went Helgi.
Hann hafði rauðan kyrtil og hjálm og rauðan skjöld og markaður á hjörtur.
Allir voru þeir í litklæðum.
He had a red kyrtil and helmet and a red shield and (it was) marked with a
stag. They were all in coloured clothing.
Fred and Grace Hatton
Hawley Pa
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