From: Justin Farwell
Message: 9046
Date: 2008-03-06
i want to learn old norse for linguistic interest and so that i can
read the legends and myths. as for my language background: my primary
language is a latin one (portuguese) , but i speak almost fluently
english. so, what route should i pursue?
--- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, Justin Farwell <chelagil3@. ..> wrote:
> no problem!
> what things exactly are you pursuing in doing Old Norse (or Old
Germanic in general?) purely linguistic interest, or to read the
literature? and is the poetic/elegiac literature you like, or the
historical documents? or legends? or myths?
> there's a lot of different routes to recommend, depending on what
your interest/purpose is!
> also, what background do you have in language? in Latin, German,
or Scandinavian skills?
> many good wishes, Justin
> jay_py012 <jay_py012@. ..> wrote:
> maybe i'll do like you said: learn old english. now that i
think about
> it, it may be a good starter!!! thanks for the advice!!! and thank
> you, N thomsen, for the pdf version of "Zoëga Old Icelandic Dict.".
> i'll make good use of it in further studies.
> --- In norse_course@ yahoogroups. com, Justin Farwell <chelagil3@> wrote:
> >
> > hoo hum,
> >
> > you know, sometimes learning another relevant, awesome old
> germanic language can be a good starter! have you thought about first
> learning old english? there are obviously more points at which Old
> English and modern English overlap than Old Norse with modern English
> (though they are all Germanic). there's also alot more pedagological
> material for learning Old English. check out the Northvegr website and
> google books for grammars and primers.
> >
> > unless you can find something that's laid out like a classic
> langauge textbook with exercizes (Bright's Old English Grammar and
> Reader 3rd Edition and Pollington's First Steps in Old English' come
> to mind), you'll have to get used to reading grammars.
> >
> > if you really want to get to norse as quick as possible, many
> people start off learning modern Icelandic (which is almost the same
> as Old Norse/ Old Icelandic). I'd recommend "Learning Icelandic" by
> Mal og Mening, Reykjavik:2001. Most other books are just primers with
> thick grammars like all the other books you will encounter.
> >
> > good luck!
> >
> > jay_py012 <jay_py012@> wrote:
> > hi,
> >
> > i'm new around here but i'm very enthusiastic with learning old norse.
> > so, can you give some tips that may help my learning? i'd apreciate
> > any kind of help.
> >
> > thanks in advance.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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> > (Now the way is clear for you; O warriors, hasten to the battle;
> God alone knows how things will turn out)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
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