Earlier messages
39200Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-12Re: [tied] Re: Earth and Thorn
39201elmeras20002005-07-13[tied] Re: Earth and Thorn
39202P&G2005-07-13Re: [tied] Re: Non-correspondence of voiceless stops in several IE
39203P&G2005-07-13Re: *** SPAM *** [tied] Re: Earth and Thorn
39204pielewe2005-07-13Re: Non-correspondence of voiceless stops in several IE languages
39205altamix2005-07-13[tied] Re: Non-correspondence of voiceless stops in several IE lang
39206Piotr Gasiorowski2005-07-13Re: [tied] Re: Non-correspondence of voiceless stops in several IE
39207Piotr Gasiorowski2005-07-13Re: [tied] Re: Earth and Thorn
39208tgpedersen2005-07-13[tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39209tgpedersen2005-07-13Re: [tied] The recent terror attacks prompting a question
39210Patrick Ryan2005-07-13Re: [tied] The recent terror attacks; TREMBLE
39211Patrick Ryan2005-07-13Re: [tied] Re: Earth and Thorn
39212Brian M. Scott2005-07-13Re: [tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39213zaldubbi2005-07-13Re: [tied] The recent terror attacks; TREMBLE
39214elmeras20002005-07-13Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39215Lisa2005-07-13[tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39216Sergejus Tarasovas2005-07-13Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39217Sergejus Tarasovas2005-07-13Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39218elmeras20002005-07-13Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39219Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-14Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39220Patrick Ryan2005-07-14Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready; short and long vowe
39221Patrick Ryan2005-07-14Re: [tied] The recent terror attacks; TREMBLE
39222Sergejus Tarasovas2005-07-14Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39223P&G2005-07-14Re: Larry Trask
39224Sergejus Tarasovas2005-07-14Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39225tgpedersen2005-07-14[tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39226tgpedersen2005-07-14[tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39227Patrick Ryan2005-07-14Re: [tied] Re: Larry Trask
39228Gordon Selway2005-07-14[tied] Re: Larry Trask
39229elmeras20002005-07-14[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39230Patrick Ryan2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39231tgpedersen2005-07-15[tied] Re: auðaz? = o:ðaz? ?
39232tgpedersen2005-07-15Re: [tied] The recent terror attacks; TREMBLE
39233Piotr Gasiorowski2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39234Sergejus Tarasovas2005-07-15Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39235elmeras20002005-07-15[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39236elmeras20002005-07-15[tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39237Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39238Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39239C. Darwin Goranson2005-07-15Re: Tokharian
39240elmeras20002005-07-15Re: Tokharian
39241Patrick Ryan2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39242Patrick Ryan2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39243Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-15Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39244patrick cuadrado2005-07-15Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39245Patrick Ryan2005-07-16Albanian ment, 'suckle'
39246elmeras20002005-07-16[tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready
39247elmeras20002005-07-16Re: Short and long vowels
39248david_russell_watson2005-07-16Re: Short and long vowels
39249elmeras20002005-07-16Re: Albanian ment, 'suckle'
39250elmeras20002005-07-16Re: Short and long vowels
39251Patrick Ryan2005-07-16Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39252Patrick Ryan2005-07-16Re: [tied] Re: Albanian ment, 'suckle'
39253Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39254Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-17Re: Albanian ment, 'suckle'
39255Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39256pielewe2005-07-17Re: Short and long vowels
39257Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39258pielewe2005-07-17[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39259Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39260Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39261Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39262Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39263Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39264etherman232005-07-17Re: Short and long vowels
39265Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39266david_russell_watson2005-07-17[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39267Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39268Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39269Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39270Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39271Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39272Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39273Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39274Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39275Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39276Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39277etherman232005-07-17[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39278Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39279Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39280Patrick Ryan2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39281Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39282Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-17Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39283Abdullah Konushevci2005-07-18[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39284Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39285Richard Wordingham2005-07-18[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39286Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39287alexandru_mg32005-07-18[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39288jon2005-07-18Seeking Info on Word roots
39289Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39290Richard Wordingham2005-07-18[tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39291Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39292Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39293Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39294Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39295Miguel Carrasquer2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39296Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39297Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels
39298Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
39299Patrick Ryan2005-07-18Re: [tied] Re: Short and long vowels; the explanation of Old Indian
Later messages