Re: [tied] Re: Italic root *ored(h)- and ready

From: patrick cuadrado
Message: 39244
Date: 2005-07-15

ProtoCeltic connections :
Kredra   : Bone/Relic = Welsh Crair
Kredros  : Body
Koxo     : Feet/Leg = Scottish Cas - Welsh Coes (Leg/Tail) - Irish Cos (Feet) - Irish Coch (Hip) 
may be from Latin Coxa (Thigh/Hip)
Askorno : Bone = Welsh Asgwrn
Agos/Aglos : Roe deer/Deer

Abdullah Konushevci <akonushevci@...> a écrit :
>   Isn't much easier to see in the root *o:rdh- 'order, row' just a
>   variant of PIE *k'erdho-/k'erdha:- 'row, troop, line'. We have an
>   example in *kost- 'leg, bone' and *ost(h)- 'id.'.

See: Oswald J. L. Szemerényi: "Introduction to Indo_European
Linguistics", Oxford, 1990, pp.95-96:
*kost- 'bone': OCS kosti, Lat. costa 'rib', but
*ast- 'bone': Gk. osteo:n, Lat. os (gen. ossis), Skt. asthi;
*kag- 'goat': OCS koza, OE he:cen 'kid', MLG ho:ken (both from
*ho:kina), but
*ag-: Skt. aja - 'he-goat', Lith. oZys (from *a:giyos).
Intendly I don't mentioned Alb. examples, seeing that no one is
interested, so I rest my case and other feedbacks.



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