58572tgpedersen2008-05-18For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58573Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58575fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58576Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58577fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58579Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58580kishore patnaik2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58582fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58583kishore patnaik2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58584Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58587tgpedersen2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58589tgpedersen2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58590fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58592tgpedersen2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58595george knysh2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58596fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58598Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58599Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58601Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58602Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58603Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58604fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58605fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58606tgpedersen2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58607tgpedersen2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58609fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58610Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58611fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58612fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58613Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58614Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58615fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58617fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58618Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58621fournet.arnaud2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58622Rick McCallister2008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58624mkelkar20032008-05-18Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58626david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58627Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58628david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58629Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58630kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58631fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58633fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58634fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58635fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58636Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58637Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58638fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58639fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58640tgpedersen2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58641fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58642Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58643fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58644kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58645kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58646fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58647fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58649george knysh2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58651kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58652fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58653kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58655fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58656fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58662kishore patnaik2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58665fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58667david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58668Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58669Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58670david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58671Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58672david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58676Rick McCallister2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58677george knysh2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58678fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58679david_russell_watson2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58680Brian M. Scott2008-05-19Moderatorial (was For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-ling
58681fournet.arnaud2008-05-19Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58682Max Dashu2008-05-19Re: keeping a civil tone
58683Francesco Brighenti2008-05-19On the repression of Alsatian Protestantism under Louis XIV
58690Rick McCallister2008-05-20Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58691Rick McCallister2008-05-20Re: On the repression of Alsatian Protestantism under Louis XIV
58698tgpedersen2008-05-20Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58701fournet.arnaud2008-05-20Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58705kishore patnaik2008-05-20Re: Moderatorial (was For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-
58709koenraad_elst2008-05-20Re: Enlightenment
58712fournet.arnaud2008-05-20Re: Moderatorial (was For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-
58714tgpedersen2008-05-20Re: Enlightenment
58715Rick McCallister2008-05-20Re: For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-linguists
58716Rick McCallister2008-05-20Re: Enlightenment
58717Max Dashu2008-05-20Re: "enlightenment"
58722tgpedersen2008-05-20Re: "enlightenment"
58723kishore patnaik2008-05-21Re: Moderatorial (was For MKelkar, Kishore and all those other anti-
58724Piotr Gasiorowski2008-05-21Re: Make love, not (flame-)war
58725kishore patnaik2008-05-21Re: Make love, not (flame-)war
58726Piotr Gasiorowski2008-05-21Re: Make love, not (flame-)war
58727kishore patnaik2008-05-21Re: Make love, not (flame-)war
58728Piotr Gasiorowski2008-05-21Re: Make love, not (flame-)war
58729Rick McCallister2008-05-21Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58889dgkilday572008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58890Rick McCallister2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58891tgpedersen2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58892tgpedersen2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58893Rick McCallister2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58894Rick McCallister2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58897indravayu2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58898tgpedersen2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58899indravayu2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58900tgpedersen2008-05-27Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58905tgpedersen2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58906tgpedersen2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58907tgpedersen2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58910indravayu2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58911Brian M. Scott2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58912tgpedersen2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58913tgpedersen2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58914indravayu2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58915mkelkar20032008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58916Daniel J. Milton2008-05-28Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58919Rick McCallister2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58921dgkilday572008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58927tgpedersen2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58930indravayu2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58931tgpedersen2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58932Rick McCallister2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58934Rick McCallister2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58935indravayu2008-05-29Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
58975tgpedersen2008-06-02Re: Lusitanian --Bell Beaker?
59029tgpedersen2008-06-03The ur-/ar- language
59030tgpedersen2008-06-03Re: The ur-/ar- language
59033tgpedersen2008-06-04Re: The ur-/ar- language, correction
59043Rick McCallister2008-06-04Re: The ur-/ar- language
59044Rick McCallister2008-06-04Re: The ur-/ar- language
59047tgpedersen2008-06-04Re: The ur-/ar- language
59050Rick McCallister2008-06-04Re: The ur-/ar- language
59097dgkilday572008-06-07Re: The ur-/ar- language
59102tgpedersen2008-06-07Re: The ur-/ar- language
59109Brian M. Scott2008-06-07Re: The ur-/ar- language