Earlier messages
52800Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52801Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52802fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52803Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52804Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52805Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52806Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52807ualarauans2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52808kishore patnaik2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52809kishore patnaik2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52810kishore patnaik2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52811Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Moderator's comment [Re: Economic analysis]
52812Pavel A. da Mek2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52813Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52814fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52815Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52816fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Evoluation and History of Human Populations in South Asia
52817fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52818fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Indo-Uralic?
52819Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52820tgpedersen2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52821Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52822tgpedersen2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52823tgpedersen2008-02-12Re: Evoluation and History of Human Populations in South Asia
52824kishore patnaik2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52825fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52826fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA link
52827Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52828Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52829ualarauans2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52830tgpedersen2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52831Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52832Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52833fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52834fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52835fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52836fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Evoluation and History of Human Populations in South Asia
52837fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52838fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52839kishore patnaik2008-02-12Re: Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52840fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52841fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52842george knysh2008-02-12Re: Arnaud Fournet's "infix" theory
52843george knysh2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52844george knysh2008-02-12Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied] Eco
52845Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA link
52846Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52847Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52848fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52849Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52850Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52851Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52852alexandru_mg32008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52853alexandru_mg32008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52854Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52855Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52856Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52857alexandru_mg32008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52858Pavel A. da Mek2008-02-12Re: colouring
52859Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52860Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52861Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52862fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52863fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied]
52864Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52865fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Arnaud Fournet's "infix" theory
52866fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re: Re: Re:Re: Re: Re: Re:[tied] Re: The
52867fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA link
52868Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52869fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52870Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52871Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52872Brian M. Scott2008-02-12Re[4]: [tied] Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA lin
52873Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA link
52874fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re: Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis
52875Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52876fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52877fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52878Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52879Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re: Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis o
52880fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52881Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-12Re: colouring
52882Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied]
52883alexandru_mg32008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52884Brian M. Scott2008-02-12Re[7]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Aryan
52885fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52886fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52887Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis of Indian History: meaning of Ar
52888Rick McCallister2008-02-12*ar- was meaning of Aryan
52889Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52890Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re: Re: Re:Re: Re: Re: Re:[tied] Re: The
52891fournet.arnaud2008-02-12Re: Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied]
52892Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied]
52893Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: The meaning of life: PIE. *gWiH3w-
52894Miguel Carrasquer Vidal2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52895Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52896Rick McCallister2008-02-12Re: Anatolia as PIE's "embarkation spot" (WasRe: Re: Re[4]: [tied]
52897Piotr Gasiorowski2008-02-12Re: *a/*a: ablaut
52898Brian M. Scott2008-02-12Re: *ar- was meaning of Aryan
52899Patrick Ryan2008-02-12Re: [Courrier indésirable] Re: Re: Re[4]: [tied] Economic analysis
Later messages