Re: *a/*a: ablaut

From: fournet.arnaud
Message: 52841
Date: 2008-02-12

>> Yes, in the sense that long *a: reflects an original pre-PIE vowel (not
>> a vowel + laryngeal sequence). Whether the vowel was originally long or
>> became long between pre-PIE and PIE is an open question.
>> Piotr
> ***
> Let us assume that a given *a: in PIE was pre-PIE *a. Could you give me
> an idea of what process could lengthen it? - vrdhi will, of course, not be
> supremely convincing.
> Patrick
I must say that I definitely disagree that
Pre-PIE (something that remains to be defined) had long vowels,

My own theory about the acquisition of short / long contrast
is the replacement of reduplicated initials.
C1_C1_C2 with short vowel
was replaced by C1_:C2 with long vowel.
Long vowels in this case started with verbs.
Typically what Latin does.

This happened within PIE time-boundaries
hence not shared by neither Semitic nor Egyptian.
It's unclear if the process happened only once at PIE stage
or afterwards in some languages only.
Open question for me.

