Re: Saami and Berbers--an unexpected mitochondrial DNA link

From: Rick McCallister
Message: 52845
Date: 2008-02-12

We'd probably use the term "(methological) reflection"
--at least that's the term in education
although any English speaker completely understands

--- "fournet.arnaud" <fournet.arnaud@...>

> That is simply not English.
> For what you claim to have been intending:
> "They lack an awareness of how what they do will
> affect themselves."
> Patrick
> ================
> Ah la la !
> Tu le fais exprès pour m'embêter.
> I mean :
> They don't include a self-assement of their data,
> methods and results
> within their methods.
> I think for example, people who study PIE
> have their own idea of what PIE stands for,
> what is the right way to study it, etc
> That's what I call - reflexivity -
> Arnaud
> ==============

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