From: Pavel A. da Mek
Message: 52812
Date: 2008-02-12
> There are a number of PIE stems which present clear evidence for *a/*a:So I suppose that the attempts to get rid of the vowel /a/
> ablaut, and in which the presence of an internal laryngeal is unlikely
> or impossible. Roots with this ablaut typically distinguish the "strong"
> grade *a: and the "weak" grade *a (though their distribution may be
> disturbed by analogy) but have no zero grade.
> A root like *//weh2g^// could beThis would be regularly
> expected to produce zero-grade derivatives with *uh2g^- and some o-grade
> forms like perf. *we-woh2g^-e. No such forms are attested anywhere. We
> have the Gk. present (*w)ágnu:mi 'I break' and perf. éa:ge 'is broken' <
> *we-wá:g^-e, Skt. vájra- < *wág^-ro- 'thunderbolt' (a substantivised
> adjective). Forms like *wag^- should not exist at all, as there is no
> way they could be derived from any allomorph of *//weh2g^//.
> Similar difficulties beset adjectives like Lat. glaber, Slavic *gladUkUThus here X would have more sonority than L (liquids)
> 'smooth'. If the latter reflects *gHlah2dH-u-, where does the short /a/
> of <glaber> and OHG glat come from? The zero grade of *-lah2- would be
> *-l.h2-, which would have given Latin -la:- and Germanic -ul-.
> Then weHere this hypothesic cannot explain the short form in acrostatic paradigm,
> have nouns like *wá:stu- 'dwelling, settlement' (Ved. vá:stu-, Toch.A
> was.t, B ost) ~ wástu- (Gk.(w)ástu); the variants look like relicts of
> an acrostatic paradigm with *a/*a: ablaut, and again a reconstruction
> like *wah2stu- can't account for the existence of forms with short *a,
> or the conspicuous absence of a zero-grade *uh2.