Earlier messages
900Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-18Re: Is anybody here?
901Marco Moretti2004-02-19Re: Is anybody here?
902Marco Moretti2004-02-23extinction of a list
903Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-23Re: extinction of a list
904Marco Moretti2004-02-24Re: extinction of a list
905Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-24Re: extinction of a list
906Marco Moretti2004-02-25Re: extinction of a list
907Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-25Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
908etherman232004-02-25Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
909Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-25Re: Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
910Marco Moretti2004-02-26Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
911Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-26submarine and soda; was (Re: Haverhillian); (was: Re: extinction
912etherman232004-02-28Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
913Marco Moretti2004-02-28submarine and soda; was (Re: Haverhillian); (was: Re: extinction
914Geraldine Reinhardt2004-02-28Re: Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
915etherman232004-02-29Haverhillian (was: Re: extinction of a list)
916vpfluke@...2004-03-02Re: Haverhillian  (was: Re: extinction of a list)
917Geraldine Reinhardt2004-03-02Re: [nostratic] Haverhillian  (was: Re: extinction of a list)
918etherman232004-03-03Haverhillian  (was: Re: extinction of a list)
919etherman232004-03-03Back to the Topic (was Haverhillian)
920vpfluke@...2004-03-04Books with Nostratic
921vpfluke@...2004-03-04Re: Books with Nostratic
922Geraldine Reinhardt2004-03-05Re: Books with Nostratic
924Marco Moretti2004-03-08Gerry, are you still around?
925Geraldine Reinhardt2004-03-08Re: Gerry, are you still around?
926Geraldine Reinhardt2004-03-08Re: Jerry, are you still around?
928Richard Wordingham2004-03-30Re: Pre-Proto-Indo-European
929etherman232004-04-01Re: Pre-Proto-Indo-European
930etherman232004-04-09Re: Pre-Proto-Indo-European
931Richard Wordingham2004-10-12Preserving the Messages
932Geraldine Reinhardt2004-10-12Re: Preserving the Messages
933Richard Wordingham2004-10-12Re: Preserving the Messages
936indoeurop2008-03-31The new professional Nostratic resource online
937Patrick Ryan2008-03-31Re: The new professional Nostratic resource online
938Patrick Ryan2008-04-03[tied] RE: Laryngo delendum est
939Patrick Ryan2008-04-03Re: [tied] RE: Laryngo delendum est
940Patrick Ryan2008-04-03Re: [tied] RE: Laryngo delendum est
941Patrick Ryan2008-04-23Fw: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM
942Patrick Ryan2008-04-23Re: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM (2)
943Patrick Ryan2008-04-23Re: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM (3)
944Patrick Ryan2008-04-23Re: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM (4)
945Patrick Ryan2008-04-24Re: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM (5)
946Patrick Ryan2008-04-25Re: [Nostratic-L] Re: LAPIS PHILOSOPHORUM (4)
947Patrick Ryan2008-05-04Re: 'Laryngeal' Theory to be replaced by Vocalic Theory?
948Patrick Ryan2008-05-11Re: Vocalic Theory of PIE Laryngeal(s)
949Patrick Ryan2008-05-11Re: Vocalic Theory of PIE Laryngeal(s)
950Patrick Ryan2008-05-18Re: The Vocalic Theory (PIE *al-)
951Patrick Ryan2008-06-11Re: Vocalic Theory ('Laryngeal' Theory)
952etherman232008-06-11Re: Vocalic Theory ('Laryngeal' Theory)
953Patrick Ryan2008-06-11Re: Vocalic Theory ('Laryngeal' Theory)
954Patrick Ryan2008-06-16Re: PIE Root Form
955etherman232008-07-17Nostratic 1st Person Pronoun (Long)
956Patrick Ryan2008-07-17Re: Nostratic 1st Person Pronoun (Long)
957etherman232008-07-17Re: Nostratic 1st Person Pronoun (Long)
958Patrick Ryan2008-07-17Re: Nostratic 1st Person Pronoun (Long)
959indoeurop2008-07-29'Journal of Language Relationship' Launched
960Patrick Ryan2013-06-24I AM FREE NOW
Later messages