From: Marco Moretti
Message: 906
Date: 2004-02-25
> Yo, Marco,Haverhillian
> How difficult it is for me to remember back to dialects spoken
> in the place of my birth. Usually regional maps include
> as New England, Eastern (one of the most distinctive of all theHello, dear Gerry!
> American dialects. R's are often dropped, but an extra R is added
> to words that end with a vowel. A is pronounced AH so that we get
> "Pahk the cah in Hahvahd yahd" and "Pepperidge Fahm
> remembuhs.").
> Haverhill, like similar areas both large and small, related toother cities
> in the Merrimack Valley such as Lawrence and Lowell, both of whichto
> had accents that were distinctive from that of Haverhill. In order
> assess accent similarities and differences, one needs first of allto draw
> an ethnic map. Then upon this map one needs to allow for socialHaverhillians
> distinction as well as economic differences.
> Within Haverhill itself, we have a regional distribution of accents
> reflecting both social and economic factors as well as urban and
> rural (rural being farmers who raised a few dairy cows and chickens
> for their livelihood) as well as ethnicity. The urban
> were a gain differentiatedI already guessed that you are from US seeing you amazed by my
> by whether or not they lived in the "old" area of town or had moved
> to Upper Main Street, an area that stretched from Kenoza Lake to
> Bradley's Brook. This "new area" of town was again subdivided by
> occupation, economics and ethnicity.
> To study accents in America, especially in New England is anIt is quite interesting, but apparently you speak
> unproductive task since the more micro one tries to become, the
> end result is that even amongst identical twins, no two sisters
> use the same phonetic soundcard.
> Language origins like origins of species must be viewed on bothAs for me, language and species origins are all but clear and
> a micro as well as a macro level to include all social, religious,
> economic, ethnic and even ecological niches.
> Gerry