Earlier messages
6300Peter T. Daniels2005-10-19Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6301Peter T. Daniels2005-10-19Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6302Peter T. Daniels2005-10-19Re: Polytonic Greek very OT
6303i18n@...2005-10-19Re: Polytonic Greek OT
6304Marco Cimarosti2005-10-19Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6305Nicholas Bodley2005-10-19Fonts for Scholars
6306suzmccarth2005-10-19Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6307Andrew Cunningham2005-10-20Re: Polytonic Greek very OT --> rendering
6308Andrew Cunningham2005-10-20Re: Polytonic Greek very OT --> rendering
6309Ph.D.2005-10-20Re: Polytonic Greek very OT
6310Andrew West2005-10-20Re: Unicode and Abugida Saga (was: wikipedia)
6311Peter T. Daniels2005-10-20Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6312Andrew West2005-10-20Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6313Agustín Barahona2005-10-20Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6314Agustín Barahona2005-10-20Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6315Mark E. Shoulson2005-10-20Tengwar on toy
6316Anton Sherwood2005-10-20Re: Tengwar on toy
6317Mark E. Shoulson2005-10-20Re: Tengwar on toy
6318Nicholas Bodley2005-10-22Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6319Anton Sherwood2005-10-22Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6320Nicholas Bodley2005-10-22Re: Tengwar on toy
6321Doug Ewell2005-10-22Re: Unicode and Abugida Saga (was: wikipedia)
6322Nicholas Bodley2005-10-22Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6323Anton Sherwood2005-10-22Myriad, was: Phags-pa
6324suzmccarth2005-10-22Re: Polytonic Greek very OT
6325Anton Sherwood2005-10-23Re: Myriad, was: Phags-pa
6326Peter T. Daniels2005-10-24Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6327Andrew West2005-10-24Re: Phags-pa Re: Unicode and Mandombe
6328Andrew West2005-10-24Re: Unicode and Abugida Saga (was: wikipedia)
6329Doug Ewell2005-10-25Re: Unicode and Abugida Saga (was: wikipedia)
6330suzmccarth2005-10-25Re: Unicode and Abugida Saga (was: wikipedia)
6331Agustín Barahona2005-10-25Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6332Peter T. Daniels2005-10-27Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6333Agustín Barahona2005-10-27Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6334i18n@...2005-10-28Re: tilde Re: Number of writing systems
6335Don Osborn2005-11-13The Philippine Script of Alibata
6336Richard Wordingham2005-11-13Re: The Philippine Script of Alibata
6337suzmccarth2005-11-14Re: The Philippine Script of Alibata
6338bargainbooksandcomics2005-11-16FA - Chinese Calligraphy: An Introduction to Its Aesthetic and Tech
6339Nicholas Bodley2005-11-19Noted: A variant on "CamelCase"; "Sdn. Bhd." et al.
6340suzmccarth2005-11-25Hebrew and Arabic alphabet reform
6341Mark E. Shoulson2005-11-25Re: Hebrew and Arabic alphabet reform
6342suzmccarth2005-11-25Re: Hebrew and Arabic alphabet reform
6343Anton Sherwood2005-11-26Tangut
6344Peter T. Daniels2005-11-26Re: Tangut
6345Nicholas Bodley2005-11-26Re: Tangut --> Language Hat
6346Richard Wordingham2005-11-27Re: Tangut
6347Richard Wordingham2005-11-27Re: Tangut
6348qalam@yahoogroups.com2005-11-30New file uploaded to qalam
6349Tex Texin2005-12-04I hope to see you in Berlin Lang. Standards Conf.
6350Ph.D.2005-12-04New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6351suzmccarth2005-12-05Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6352Nicholas Bodley2005-12-05"ASCII subscripts"
6353Nicholas Bodley2005-12-05Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6354Mark E. Shoulson2005-12-05Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6355Peter T. Daniels2005-12-05Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6356Doug Ewell2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6357Anton Sherwood2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6358Nicholas Bodley2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6359Nicholas Bodley2005-12-06Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6360Nicholas Bodley2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6361Nicholas Bodley2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6362Mark E. Shoulson2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6363Mark E. Shoulson2005-12-06Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6364Tex Texin2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts" the acid test
6365Anton Sherwood2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6366Anton Sherwood2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6367Doug Ewell2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6368Peter T. Daniels2005-12-07hot type Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6369Ph.D.2005-12-07Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6370Peter T. Daniels2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6371Ph.D.2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6372i18n@...2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6373Mark E. Shoulson2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts" the acid test
6374Tex Texin2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts" the acid test
6375Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6376Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6377Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6378Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6379Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: H_2O, verbose <-- "ASCII subscripts"
6380Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6381Nicholas Bodley2005-12-07Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6382grendllöfkvist2005-12-08letterpress printing, continued...
6383Jelks Cabaniss2005-12-08Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6384Nicholas Bodley2005-12-08Re: hot type
6385Nicholas Bodley2005-12-08Re: hot type [Was] Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpre
6386Nicholas Bodley2005-12-08Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6387Peter T. Daniels2005-12-08scientific notation Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6388i18n@...2005-12-08Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6389Ph.D.2005-12-08Re: hot type
6390Peter T. Daniels2005-12-08Re: H_2O, verbose <-- "ASCII subscripts"
6391Peter T. Daniels2005-12-08Re: letterpress printing, continued...
6392i18n@...2005-12-08Re: "ASCII subscripts"
6393Peter T. Daniels2005-12-08Re: hot type
6394Ph.D.2005-12-08Re: hot type [Was] Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpre
6395Michael Everson2005-12-08Re: hot type Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6396Peter T. Daniels2005-12-08Re: hot type Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6397Michael Everson2005-12-08Re: hot type Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6398timpart@...2005-12-08Re: hot type Re: New Cree typeface cut in metal for letterpress
6399Nicholas Bodley2005-12-09Re: letterpress printing, continued...
Later messages