Earlier messages
1100etaonsh 2003-01-21Desaparecidos
1101Nicholas Bodley2003-01-21Re: Mayan numbers
1102Peter T. Daniels2003-01-21Re: Mayan numbers
1103Marco Cimarosti2003-01-21Re: Celts (reply to Marco)
1104etaonsh 2003-01-21Re: Mayan numbers
1105etaonsh 2003-01-21Re: Celts (reply to Marco)
1106Michael Everson2003-01-21Re: Celts (reply to Marco)
1107etaonsh 2003-01-21Re: Celts (reply to Marco)
1108i18n2003-01-21Re: Celts (reply to Marco)
1109seshattrismegistos 2003-01-21Again about topicality
1110Lars Marius Garshol2003-01-21Re: Just wondering
1111i18n2003-01-21Re: Just wondering
1112Peter T. Daniels2003-01-21Re: Just wondering
1113John Cowan2003-01-21Re: Just wondering
1114Peter T. Daniels2003-01-21Re: Just wondering
1115John Hudson2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1116Nicholas Bodley2003-01-22Coincidence, or good education?
1117Doug Ewell2003-01-22Re: Mayan numerals
1118Stephen Chrisomalis2003-01-22Re: Mayan numerals
1119Pierpaolo BERNARDI2003-01-22Re: Mayan numbers
1120Marco Cimarosti2003-01-22Re: Mayan numerals
1121Peter T. Daniels2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1122etaonsh 2003-01-22Re: Again about topicality
1123seshattrismegistos 2003-01-22Re: Again about topicality
1124Michael Everson2003-01-22Re: Again about topicality
1125Michael Everson2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1126Michael Everson2003-01-22Re: Coincidence, or good education?
1127Peter T. Daniels2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1128Michael Everson2003-01-22Manichaean
1129John Hudson2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1130timpart@...2003-01-22Re: Mayan numerals
1131Lars Marius Garshol2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1132John Cowan2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1133Lars Marius Garshol2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1134Lars Marius Garshol2003-01-22Re: Just wondering
1135Stephen Chrisomalis2003-01-23Roman numeral usage
1136Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1137Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Writing prices in the USA
1138Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // Wundermoosen
1139Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // day and week of the year
1140Tex Texin2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // day and week of the year
1141Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23"UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1142Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Roman numerals (Was: Re: Mayan numerals)
1143Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1144Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23International Teaching Alphabet?
1145Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23What is a reasonable [character set] to use on Qalam?
1146John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // day and week of the year
1147Nicholas Bodley2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // day and week of the year
1148John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1149John Cowan2003-01-23Re: What is a reasonable [character set] to use on Qalam?
1150seshattrismegistos 2003-01-23Re: What is a reasonable [character set] to use on Qalam?
1151Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1152Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1153Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1154Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1155Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: International Teaching Alphabet?
1156Marco Cimarosti2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1157John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1158John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1159Michael Everson2003-01-23Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1160Michael Everson2003-01-23Re: Alphabetic number systems
1161Michael Everson2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // Wundermoosen
1162Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1163Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1164Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1165Marco Cimarosti2003-01-23Re: "UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1166Marco Cimarosti2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1167Thomas Chan2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1168Marco Cimarosti2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1169John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // Wundermoosen
1170John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1171John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1172John Cowan2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1173John Cowan2003-01-23Re: "UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1174Michael Everson2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1175Michael Everson2003-01-23Re: Mayan numbers // Wundermoosen
1176Marco Cimarosti2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1177Roozbeh Pournader2003-01-23Re: Mayan numerals
1178i18n2003-01-23Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1179Peter_Constable@...2003-01-23Re: Mayan numerals
1180Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Hebrew & Yiddish Re: Just wondering
1181i18n2003-01-23Re: Mayan numerals
1182Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1183Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23Re: Just wondering
1184Peter T. Daniels2003-01-23virama Re: Just wondering
1185John Cowan2003-01-24Re: Just wondering
1186Doug Ewell2003-01-24Re: "UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1187Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1188Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: What is a reasonable [character set] to use on Qalam?
1189Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: What is a reasonable [character set] to use on Qalam?
1190Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1191Michael Everson2003-01-24Re: "UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1192Seshat 2003-01-24[OT] Mail attachments (was ... character set ...)
1193Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&)
1194Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Sourcebook (Was: Re: Coincidence, or good education? (7/&))
1195Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1196Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: "UU" specimen? (Was: Re: RE: Mayan numerals)
1197Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Millen[n]ium (Was: Re: Mayan numbers)
1198Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Re: Just wondering
1199Nicholas Bodley2003-01-24Xhosa: Is "xh" a click?
Later messages