2003-01-23 06:53:30, "seshattrismegistos
seshat@...>" <
seshat@...> wrote:
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qalam/surveys?id=386381
>As you see, several members indicated UTF-8 as a proper
>choice [...]
Indeed, utf-8 seems to be gaining deserved popularity.
I tried to read all of the archives before subscribing.
>For historical reasons, many members of Qalam are also
members of the mailing lists of the Unicode Consortium
http://www.unicode.org/consortium/distlist.html), and have
some degree of experience and interested in Unicode.
No wonder there are some Famous Names here!
>interest in writing systems, I think that several members
might have Unicode support.
>having Unicode support could lack font for that particular
>Pictures or other files (PDF's, etc.) can be freely attached
to messages,
I'm sorry, but are you sure that YahooGroups permits
attachments to messages passed through its system? Another
YahooGroup I subscribe to strips all attachments from
messages posted to it. Perhaps that is the moderator/owner's
choice. Indeed, being able to include attachments would be
>or they can be uploaded on Qalam's "Files" or "Photos"
How nice! Sorry if I missed those when I signed on; actually,
that was some time ago, and apparently directvinternet.com
regarded all messages from Qalam as spam. :(
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/qalam/files
> http://photos.groups.yahoo.com/group/qalam/lst
Thank you, and best regards!
Nicholas Bodley ||@|| Waltham, Mass.
Why use Opera?
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