Dear Nina and friends,

sorry for the delay of this posting. It is quite a challenging
passage, and there are still words which I am not sure of. I look
forward to your kind assistance.

A`nguttara Nikaya: Ekaka Nipaata
Pa.nihita-accha Vagga

1. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, saalisuuka.m vaa yavasuuka.m vaa
micchaapa.nihita.m hatthena vaa paadena vaa akkanta.m hattha.m vaa
paada.m vaa bhecchati lohita.m vaa uppaadessatiiti neta.m .thaana.m
vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu? Micchaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, suukassa.
Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu micchaapa.nihitena cittena
avijja.m bhecchati, vijja.m uppaadessati, nibbaana.m
sacchikarissatiiti neta.m .thaana.m vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu?
Micchaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti. Pa.thama.m.

2. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, saalisuuka.m vaa yavasuuka.m vaa
sammaapa.nihita.m hatthena vaa paadena vaa akkanta.m hattha.m vaa
paada.m vaa bhecchati lohita.m vaa uppaadessatiiti .thaanameta.m
vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu? Sammaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, suukassa.
Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu sammaapa.nihitena cittena
avijja.m bhecchati, vijja.m uppaadessati, nibbaana.m
sacchikarissatiiti .thaanameta.m vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu?
Sammaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti. Dutiya.m.

3. "Idhaaha.m, bhikkhave, ekacca.m puggala.m padu.t.thacitta.m eva.m
cetasaa ceto paricca pajaanaami- 'imamhi ce aya.m samaye puggalo
kaala.m kareyya, yathaabhata.m nikkhitto eva.m niraye'. Ta.m kissa
hetu? Citta.m hissa, bhikkhave, padu.t.tha.m. "Cetopadosahetu pana,
bhikkhave, evamidhekacce sattaa kaayassa bhedaa para.m mara.naa
apaaya.m duggati.m vinipaata.m niraya.m upapajjantii"ti. Tatiya.m.

4. "Idhaaha.m, bhikkhave, ekacca.m puggala.m pasannacitta.m eva.m
cetasaa ceto paricca pajaanaami- 'imamhi ce aya.m samaye puggalo
kaala.m kareyya, yathaabhata.m nikkhitto eva.m sagge'. Ta.m kissa
hetu? Citta.m hissa, bhikkhave, pasanna.m. "Cetopasaadahetu pana,
bhikkhave, evamidhekacce sattaa kaayassa bhedaa para.m mara.naa
sugati.m sagga.m loka.m upapajjantii"ti. Catuttha.m.

5. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, udakarahado aavilo lu.lito kalaliibhuuto
tattha cakkhumaa puriso tiire .thito na passeyya sippisambukampi
sakkharaka.thalampi macchagumbampi carantampi ti.t.thantampi. Ta.m
kissa hetu? Aavilattaa, bhikkhave, udakassa. Evameva.m kho,
bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu aavilena cittena attattha.m vaa ~nassati
parattha.m vaa ~nassati ubhayattha.m vaa ~nassati uttari.m vaa
manussadhammaa alamariya~naa.nadassanavisesa.m sacchikarissatiiti
neta.m .thaana.m vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu? Aavilattaa, bhikkhave,
cittassaa"ti. Pa~ncama.m.

6. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, udakarahado accho vippasanno anaavilo
tattha cakkhumaa puriso tiire .thito passeyya sippisambukampi
sakkharaka.thalampi macchagumbampi carantampi ti.t.thantampi. Ta.m
kissa hetu? Anaavilattaa, bhikkhave, udakassa. Evameva.m kho,
bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu anaavilena cittena attattha.m vaa ~nassati
parattha.m vaa ~nassati ubhayattha.m vaa ~nassati uttari.m vaa
manussadhammaa alamariya~naa.nadassanavisesa.m
sacchikarissatiiti .thaanameta.m vijjati. Ta.m kissa hetu?
Anaavilattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti. Cha.t.tha.m.

7. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, yaani kaanici rukkhajaataana.m phandano
tesa.m aggamakkhaayati yadida.m mudutaaya ceva kamma~n~nataaya ca.
Evameva.m kho aha.m, bhikkhave, naa~n~na.m ekadhammampi
samanupassaami ya.m eva.m bhaavita.m bahuliikata.m mudu ca hoti
kamma~n~na~nca yathayida.m citta.m. Citta.m, bhikkhave, bhaavita.m
bahuliikata.m mudu ca hoti kamma~n~na~nca hotii"ti. Sattama.m.

8. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami ya.m
eva.m lahuparivatta.m yathayida.m citta.m. Yaava~ncida.m, bhikkhave,
upamaapi na sukaraa yaava lahuparivatta.m cittan"ti. A.t.thama.m.

9. "Pabhassaramida.m, bhikkhave, citta.m. Ta~nca kho aagantukehi
upakkilesehi upakkili.t.than"ti. Navama.m.

10. "Pabhassaramida.m, bhikkhave, citta.m. Ta~nca kho aagantukehi
upakkilesehi vippamuttan"ti. Dasama.m.

Pa.nihita-acchavaggo pa~ncamo.


Pa.nihita-accha Vagga
intent / pure / chapter
The Chapter on Pure Intent

accha (adj) clear, pure.

1. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, saalisuuka.m vaa yavasuuka.m vaa
micchaapa.nihita.m hatthena vaa paadena vaa akkanta.m hattha.m vaa
paada.m vaa bhecchati lohita.m vaa uppaadessatiiti neta.m .thaana.m
just as / monks / awn of rice or / awn of corn or / wrongly
directed / by hand or / by leg or / stepped upon / hand or / leg or /
will ruin / blood or / will produce / not this / condition / is found
"Monks, just as (it) is found: this condition (of) the awn of rice or
corn (being) incorrectly pointed by hand or by leg, and stepped upon,
will neither hurt the hand or leg, nor cause bleeding.

seyyathaapi = seyyathaa pi (adv) just as.
- seyyathaa (adv) as.
- pi (enc, ind) and, even, and then, just so.
bhikkhu (m) monk.
saalisuuka = saalissa suuka (m) awn of rice.
- saali (m) rice.
- suuka (m) awn.
vaa (ind, conj) or.
yavasuuka.m = yavassa suuka (m) awn of corn.
- yava (m) corn.
micchaapa.nihita = micchaa pa.nihita (adj) 
- micchaa (adv) wrongly.
- pa.nihita (pp of pa.nidahati, adj) directed, bent on, intent.
hattha (m) hand.
paada (m, n) foot, leg.
akkanta (pp of akkamati) stepped upon, trodden.
bhecchati (v) will split, break, sever, destroy, ruin.
lohita (n) blood.
uppaadeti (v) produces, makes, gives rise.
neta.m = na eta.m (dem pron) not this.
- na (ind neg) not.
- eta.m (dem pron, n/nom) this.
.thaana (n) condition, reason, cause.
vijjati (v) is found, exists.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

ta.m (n) it.
kissa (m, n) of what.
hetu (m) cause, reason, condition.

Micchaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, suukassa.
states of being wrongly directed / monks / of awn
The conditions of the awn being incorrectly pointed, monks.

micchaapa.nihitatta (m) state of being wrongly directed.

Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu micchaapa.nihitena cittena
avijja.m bhecchati, vijja.m uppaadessati, nibbaana.m
sacchikarissatiiti neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
in just the same way / monks / that / certainly / monk / with wrongly
directed / with mind / ignorance / will ruin / knowledge / will
produce / attainment of nibbaana / will realise / not this /
condition / is found
In just the same way, monks, (it) is found: this condition (of) that
monk with an incorrectly pointed mind certainly will not overcome
ignorance, produce knowledge, (nor) attain nibbaana.

evameva.m kho = eva.m eva.m kho (adv) in just the same way.
- eva.m (adv) thus, in this way.
- kho (ind, enc) indeed, really, surely.
so (dem pron, m/nom) that.
vata (ind) indeed, certainly, surely.
citta (n) mind.
avijjaa (f) ignorance.
vijjaa (f) knowledge.
nibbaana (f) attainment of nibbaana.
sacchikaroti (v) realise, experience for oneself.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Micchaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti.
states of being wrongly directed / monks / of mind
The conditions of the mind being incorrectly pointed, monks."

(This is) the first.

pa.thama (num adj) first.


2. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, saalisuuka.m vaa yavasuuka.m vaa
sammaapa.nihita.m hatthena vaa paadena vaa akkanta.m hattha.m vaa
paada.m vaa bhecchati lohita.m vaa uppaadessatiiti .thaanameta.m
just as / monks / awn of rice or / awn of corn or / correctly
directed / by hand or / by leg or / stepped upon / hand or / leg or /
will ruin / blood or / will produce / this condition / is found
"Monks, just as (it) is found: this condition (of) the awn of rice or
corn (being) correctly pointed by hand or by leg, and stepped upon,
will hurt the hand or leg, or cause bleeding.

sammaapa.nihita = sammaa pa.nihita (adj) correctly directly.
- sammaa (adv) properly, correctly.
.thaanameta.m = .thaana.m eta.m: this condition.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Sammaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, suukassa.
states of being correctly directed / monks / of awn
The conditions of the awn being correctly pointed, monks.

sammaapa.nihitatta (m) state of being correctly directed.

Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu sammaapa.nihitena cittena
avijja.m bhecchati, vijja.m uppaadessati, nibbaana.m
sacchikarissatiiti .thaanameta.m vijjati.
in just the same way / monks / that / certainly / monk / with
correctly directed / with mind / ignorance / will ruin / knowledge /
will produce / attainment of nibbaana / will realise / this
condition / is found
In just the same way, monks, (it) is found: this condition (of) that
monk with a correctly pointed mind certainly will overcome ignorance,
produce knowledge, (and) attain nibbaana.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Sammaapa.nihitattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti.
states of being correctly directed / monks / of mind
The conditions of the mind being correctly pointed, monks."

(This is) the second.

dutiya (num adj) second.


3. "Idhaaha.m, bhikkhave, ekacca.m puggala.m padu.t.thacitta.m eva.m
cetasaa ceto paricca pajaanaami- 'imamhi ce aya.m samaye puggalo
kaala.m kareyya, yathaabhata.m nikkhitto eva.m niraye'.
here-I / monks / a certain / person / having a corrupt mind / thus /
with mind / mind / having understood / know clearly / at this / if /
this / at time / person / time / should do / ??? / laid down / thus /
in hell
"Monks, I understand the mind with (my) mind and hereby know clearly
a certain person having a defiled mind as such: If this person should
pass away at this time, ... ...

idha (adv) here.
aha.m (pron, nom/sg) I.
ekacca (adj) some, a few, certain.
puggala (m) individual, person.
padu.t.thacitta = padu.t.tha citta (adj) having a corrupt mind.
- padu.t.tha (adj) wicked, corrupt.
cetasaa ceto paricca pajaanaati [PED paricca] grasping fully with
one's mind.
ceto paricca = ceta.m paricca.
ceta (m, n) mind.
paricca (v, ger) having understood.
pajaanaati (v) knows clearly.
imamhi (dem pron, m/loc) at this.
ce (enc, ind) if.
aya.m (dem pron, m/nom) this.
samaya (m) time.
kaala.m karoti [PED kaala] (he) does (his) time, i.e. passes away.
kaala (m) time.
karoti (v) verb to do.
yathaabhata.m ???
nikkhitta (pp of nikkhipati, adj) laid down, lying.
niraya (m) hell.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Citta.m hissa, bhikkhave, padu.t.tha.m.

hissa ???

"Cetopadosahetu pana, bhikkhave, evamidhekacce sattaa kaayassa bhedaa
para.m mara.naa apaaya.m duggati.m vinipaata.m niraya.m
upon condition of defilement of the mind / moreover / monks / thus-
here-some / living beings / body's / (from) breaking-up / after /
death / state of woe / realm of misery / place of suffering / hell /
are reborn in
"Furthermore, monks, here, on the account of a defiled mind, some
beings are thus reborn into a state of woe, a realm of misery, a
place of suffering, a hell, on the break-up of the body after death.
cetopadosahetu = ceto padosa hetu (m/acc) upon condition of
defilement of the mind.

- padosa (m) defect, blemish.
pana (ind) but, yet, and, moreover.
evamidhekacce = eva.m idha ekacce.
satta (m) living being, creature.
kaayassa bhedaa para.m mara.naa - after the breaking up of the body &
after death. [PED bheda]
kaaya (m) body.
bheda (m) breaking.
para.m (adv) after. (n) death.
apaaya (m) a state of loss and woe.
duggati (f) a realm of misery.
vinipaata (m) a place of suffering.
upapajjati (v) is reborn in.

(This is) the third.

tatiya (num adj) third.


4. "Idhaaha.m, bhikkhave, ekacca.m puggala.m pasannacitta.m eva.m
cetasaa ceto paricca pajaanaami- 'imamhi ce aya.m samaye puggalo
kaala.m kareyya, yathaabhata.m nikkhitto eva.m sagge'.
here-I / monks / a certain / person / having a pure mind / thus /
with mind / mind / having understood / know clearly / at this / if /
this / at time / person / time / should do / ??? / laid down / thus /
in heaven
"Monks, I understand the mind with (my) mind and hereby know clearly
a certain person having a purified mind as such: If this person
should pass away at this time, ... ...

pasannacitta = pasanna citta (adj) having a pure mind.
- pasanna (adj) cleared, purified.
sagga (m) heaven.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Citta.m hissa, bhikkhave, pasanna.m.

"Cetopasaadahetu pana, bhikkhave, evamidhekacce sattaa kaayassa
bhedaa para.m mara.naa sugati.m sagga.m loka.m upapajjantii"ti.
upon condition of purity of the mind / moreover / monks / thus-here-
some / living beings / body's / (from) breaking-up / after / death /
happy state / heaven / world / are reborn in
"Furthermore, monks, here, on the account of a purified mind, some
beings are thus reborn into a happy state, a heavenly realm, on the
break-up of the body after death.

cetopasaadahetu = ceto pasaada hetu (m/acc) upon condition of purity
of the mind.
- pasaada (m) purity.
sugati (f) happy state.
loka (m) world.

(This is) the fourth.

catuttha (num adj) fourth.


5. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, udakarahado aavilo lu.lito kalaliibhuuto
tattha cakkhumaa puriso tiire .thito na passeyya sippisambukampi
sakkharaka.thalampi macchagumbampi carantampi ti.t.thantampi.
just as / monks / lake of water / disturbed / stirred / muddy /
there / having eyes / man / on shore / stood / should not see / and
oysters and shells / and gravel and pebbles / and fishes / and
moving / and standing
"Monks, just as a lake of disturbed, unsettled and muddy water. With
eyes, a man who has stood there on the shore should not see oysters
and shells, gravel and pebbles, and fish, moving or not.

udakarahada = udakassa rahada (m) lake of water.
- udaka (n) water
- rahada (m) lake.
aavila (adj) disturbed.
lu.lita (pp of lu.lati) stirred.
kalaliibhuuta = kalala.m bhuuta (adj) turned to mud.
- kalala (m, n) mud.
- bhuuta (pp of bhavati) become.
tattha (adv) there, in that place.
cakkhumantu (adj) having eyes.
purisa (m) man.
tiira (n) shore.
.thita (pp of ti.t.thati) stood, stationary.
passati (v) sees.
sippisambukampi = sippisambuka.m pi (m) and oysters and shells.
- sippi sambuka = sippiyo ca sambukaa ca (m) oysters and shells.
- sippi (f) oyster.
sambuka (m) shell.
sakkharaka.thalampi = sakkharaka.thala.m pi (m) and gravel and pebble.
- sakkharaka.thala.m = sakkhara.m ca ka.thala.m ca (m) gravel and
- sakkharaa (f) gravel.
- ka.thala (m) pebble.
macchagumbampi = macchagumba.m pi (m) and shoal of fish.
- macchagumba = macchassa gumba (m) shoal of fish.
- maccha (m) fish.
- gumba (m) heap, swarm.
carati (v) moves. 
ti.t.thati (v) stands.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Aavilattaa, bhikkhave, udakassa.
disturbances / monks / of water
Disturbances of the water, monks.

aavilatta (n) disturbance.

Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu aavilena cittena attattha.m
vaa ~nassati parattha.m vaa ~nassati ubhayattha.m vaa ~nassati
uttari.m vaa manussadhammaa alamariya~naa.nadassanavisesa.m
sacchikarissatiiti neta.m .thaana.m vijjati.
in just the same way / monks / that / certainly / monk / with
disturbed / with mind / one's own welfare or / ??? / others' welfare
or / ??? / both welfare or / ??? / beyond / human state / truly noble
attainment of knowing and seeing / will realise / not this /
condition / is found

attattha = atta attha (m) one's own welfare.
- atta (m) self.
- attha (m) welfare.
~nassati (v) ???
parattha = para attha (m) others' welfare.
- para (adj) others.
ubhayattha = ubhaya attha (m) both welfare.
- ubhaya (pron) both.
uttari.m (adv) beyond, over.
manussadhamma = manussassa dhamma (n) human state.
- manussa (m) human.
- dhamma (n) phenomenon.
alamariya~naa.nadassanavisesa = ala.m ariya dassana visesa
(m) truly noble attainment of knowing and seeing.
- ala.m (ind) truly.
- ariya (adj) noble.
- (n) knowing.
- dassana (n) seeing.
- visesa (m) attainment.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Aavilattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti.
disturbances / monks / of mind
Disturbances of the mind, monks."

(This is) the fifth.

pa~ncama (num adj) fifth.


6. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, udakarahado accho vippasanno anaavilo
tattha cakkhumaa puriso tiire .thito passeyya sippisambukampi
sakkharaka.thalampi macchagumbampi carantampi ti.t.thantampi.
just as / monks / lake of water / clear / purified / undisturbed /
there / having eyes / man / on shore / stood / should see / and
oysters and shells / and gravel and pebbles / and fishes / and
moving / and standing
"Monks, just as a lake of clear, purified and still water. With eyes,
a man who has stood there on the shore should see oysters and shells,
gravel and pebbles, and fish, moving or not.

accha (adj) clear.
vippasanna (adj) purified.
anaavila = na aavila (adj.) undisturbed.
- na (ind neg) not.

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Anaavilattaa, bhikkhave, udakassa.
non-disturbances / monks / of water
Non-disturbances of the water, monks.

anaavilatta = na aavilatta (n) non-disturbance.

Evameva.m kho, bhikkhave, so vata bhikkhu anaavilena cittena
attattha.m vaa ~nassati parattha.m vaa ~nassati ubhayattha.m vaa
~nassati uttari.m vaa manussadhammaa alamariya~naa.nadassanavisesa.m
sacchikarissatiiti .thaanameta.m vijjati.
in just the same way / monks / that / certainly / monk / with
undisturbed / with mind / one's own welfare or / ??? / others'
welfare or / ??? / both welfare or / ??? / beyond / human state /
truly noble attainment of knowing and seeing / will realise / this
condition / is found

Ta.m kissa hetu?
it / of what / cause
It is the cause of what?

Anaavilattaa, bhikkhave, cittassaa"ti.
non-disturbances / monks / of mind
Non-disturbances of the mind, monks."

(This is) the sixth.

cha.t.tha (num adj) sixth.


7. "Seyyathaapi, bhikkhave, yaani kaanici rukkhajaataana.m phandano
tesa.m aggamakkhaayati yadida.m mudutaaya ceva kamma~n~nataaya ca.
just as / monks / which / any / of collection of trees / Dalbergia /
of those / is proclaimed best / that is / for softness / as well as /
for adaptability / and
"Monks, just as (it is) the Dalbergia which is the type of trees that
is best known for softness as well as adaptability.

yaani (dem pron, n/pl) which.
kaanici = kaani ci (interr pron) any.
rukkhajaata = rukkhaana.m jaata (n) collection of trees.
- rukkha (m) tree.
- jaata (n) collection.
phandana (m) Dalbergia [name of a tree].
tesa.m (dem pron, m/gen) of those.
aggamakkhaayati = agga.m akkhaayati
- agga (adj) highest, best.
- akkhaayati (passive of akkhaati) is proclaimed.
yadida.m = yad ida.m (ind) that is, namely.
mudutaa (f) softness.
ceva = ca eva (ind) as well as.
- ca (ind, conj) and.
kamma~n~nataa (f) adaptability.

Evameva.m kho aha.m, bhikkhave, naa~n~na.m ekadhammampi
samanupassaami ya.m eva.m bhaavita.m bahuliikata.m mudu ca hoti
kamma~n~na~nca yathayida.m citta.m.
in just the same way / monks / not another / one phenomenon-even /
perceive / which / so / developed / practised frequently / soft and /
is / adaptable and / as just this / mind
In just the same way, I can identify not even one other object which
is so flexible and adaptable (when) developed and well trained as
just this: the mind.

naa~n~na = na a~n~na (pron) not another.
- a~n~na (pron) another.
ekadhamma = eka dhamma (n) one phenomenon.
- eka (num adj) one.
- dhamma (n) thing, phenomenon.
samanupassati (v) perceives.
ya.m (rel pron, acc/sg) which.
bhaavita (pp of bhaaveti, adj) developed.
bahuliikata (pp of bahuliikaroti, adj) practised frequently.
mudu (adj) soft, tender.
hoti (v) verb to be.
kamma~n~na~nca = kamma~n~na ca
- kamma~n~na (adj) adaptable.
yathayida.m = yathaa ida.m (adv) as just this.

Citta.m, bhikkhave, bhaavita.m bahuliikata.m mudu ca hoti
kamma~n~na~nca hotii"ti.
mind / monks / developed / practised frequently / soft and / is /
adaptable and / is
The mind, monks, is flexible and adaptable (when) developed and well

(This is) the seventh.

sattama (num adj) seventh.


8. "Naaha.m, bhikkhave, a~n~na.m ekadhammampi samanupassaami ya.m
eva.m lahuparivatta.m yathayida.m citta.m.
not-I / monks / one phenomenon-even / perceive / which / just /
quickly changing / as just this / mind
"Monks, I cannot identify even one other object which is simply
rapidly transforming as just this: the mind.

naaha.m = na aha.m
- aha.m (pron, nom/sg) I.
lahuparivatta (adj) quickly changing.

Yaava~ncida.m, bhikkhave, upamaapi na sukaraa yaava lahuparivatta.m
as much as this / monks / comparison-even / not / easy / as far as /
quickly changing / mind
So much so that, monks, there is even no simple parallel as close as
the rapidly transforming mind.

yaava~ncida.m = yaava~n c'ida.m: as much as this.
- yaava (ind) up to, till, as far as.
upamaa (f) comparison.
sukaraa (adj) easy, easily done.

(This is) the eighth.

a.t.thama (num adj) eighth.


9. "Pabhassaramida.m, bhikkhave, citta.m.
resplendent-this / monks / mind
"The mind, monks, it is illuminated.

pabhassaramida.m = pabhassara.m ida.m.
- pabhassara (adj) shining, very bright, resplendent.
- ida.m (dem pron, n/nom) this.

Ta~nca kho aagantukehi upakkilesehi upakkili.t.than"ti.
it-and / indeed / by coming / by defilements / stained
And by intruding defilements, it is indeed defiled."

ta~nca = ta.m ca.
aagantuka (adj) coming, arriving.
upakkilesa (m) impurity, defilement
upakkili.t.tha (adj) soiled, impure, stained.

(This is) the ninth.

navama (num adj) ninth.


10. "Pabhassaramida.m, bhikkhave, citta.m.
resplendent-this / monks / mind
"The mind, monks, it is illuminated.

Ta~nca kho aagantukehi upakkilesehi vippamuttan"ti.
it-and / indeed / from coming / from defilements / stained
And from intruding defilements, it is indeed released."

vippamutta (adj) released, set free, saved.

(This is) the tenth.

dasama (num adj) tenth.

Pa.nihita-acchavaggo pa~ncamo.
pure intent-chapter / fifth
The Chapter on Pure Intent, the Fifth.

Please correct me if there is any mistake.

Yong Peng.