From: Ong Yong Peng Message: 4597 Date: 2004-03-27
Pali Primer Exercise 26
Translate into English
17. Bhuupati sappuriso abhavi/ahosi; mantino paapakaarino
king / righteous man / was / ministers / evil-doers / were
The king was a righteous man, the ministers were evil-doers.
18. Balinaa kaaraapitesu paasaadesu se.t.thino puttaa na vasi.msu.
by powerful ones / got..built / in palaces / banker's / sons
/ did not live
The banker's sons did not live in the palaces the powerful
ones got built.
19. Sabbe paa.nino sukha.m pariyesamaanaa jiivanti, kammaani
all / living beings / happiness / seeking / live / deeds
/ performing
All beings live seeking happiness and performing deeds.
20. Saamii ma.nayo ca ca ki.nitvaa bhariyaaya
husband / gems and / gold and / having bought / to wife /
The husband bought gems and gold and gave to (his) wife.
21. Asanisadda.m (sound of thunder) sutvaa girimhi sikhino
naccitu.m aarabhi.msu.
peal of thunder / having heard / in mountain / peacocks /
to dance / began
After hearing the peal of thunder, peacocks in the mountain
began to dance.
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