Re: Ist Chapter of Njal Saga / Alan's Translation

From: AThompson
Message: 6408
Date: 2006-05-28

Thanks Uoden

So, then, how old is Hallgerð? Or how young can a maiden be?

I am really only guessing but I would think that she would be about
fourteen, ie still just a young girl in our 'modern' eyes (and still
young enough to play on the floor!), but at the same time having reached
the age where she can 'bear a man' as you say and therefore at an age
where she can be married off.

I see 'buna' in the Modern Icelandic dictionary but couldn't find it in
Zöega :(


-----Original Message-----
From: []
On Behalf Of Blanc Voden
Sent: Saturday, 27 May 2006 10:49 PM
Subject: [norse_course] Re: Ist Chapter of Njal Saga / Alan's

Hi there Alan,

"Practice makes perfect"

You are the proof, but

"Buna" points to gush, sputter: it can also mark man´s foot (clumsy.
See: Bunch of children it evoques.
Children can also have one Ride "Bunu" on a sledge, down hill.

"Hann tók undir hökuna og kyssti hana."

One has to guess.

She was looking down (Shy), I guess.

Mey/Mær [May] is strictly maiden. One nows that they are virgins, at
least not married.

They are not minors like young girls could indicate.

May(Mey] I ? five (month) > wife (Riming "Hæf" is fit:See Live:
(ar)rive is "Koma" also to come).

"Mær" rimes with "Bær" > "MannBær" she can bear a man [in all

Thanks Uoden

"Gígja" can also mark an Harp [Harp'a/Hörp'u] . See fits the mounth.

--- In, "AThompson" <athompso@...>
> Here´s my translation. Comments on underlined text would be
> Are we going to do this more regularly than once a week because at
> rate it will take us six years to finish :-)
> Kveðja
> Alan
> Mörður hét maður er kallaður var gígja. Hann var sonur Sighvats
> rauða.
> (There) was a man named Mörð who was called `Fiddle.' He was (the)
> of Sighvat the Red.
> Hann bjó á Velli á Rangárvöllum. Hann var ríkur höfðingi og
> málafylgjumaður
> He dwelt at `(The) Meadow' on Rang River Flats. He was a powerful
> chieftain and a great pursuer of legal suits
> mikill og svo mikill lögmaður að engir þóttu löglegir dómar dæmdir
> hann
> and so great a law-man that none seemed (were) deemed lawful
> unless he
> væri við. Hann átti dóttur eina er Unnur hét. Hún var væn kona og
> kurteis og
> were with (ie supporting) (them). He had a certain daughter who was
> called Unn. She was a beautiful woman and well-bred and
> vel að sér og þótti sá bestur kostur á Rangárvöllum.
> well-accomplished in herself and seemed that best catch (match) on
> River Flats.
> Nú víkur sögunni vestur til Breiðafjarðardala. Maður er nefndur
> Höskuldur.
> Now (it) turns in the story west to (the) Dale of Broad Fjord.
> is a man named Höskuld.
> Hann var Dala-Kollsson. Móðir hans hét Þorgerður og var dóttir
> He was (the) son of Dala-Koll. His mother was called Þorgerð and
> (the) daughter of Þorstein
> hins rauða, Ólafssonar hins hvíta, Ingjaldssonar, Helgasonar. Móðir
> Ingjalds
> the Red, son of Ólaf the White, son of Ingjald, son of Helgi. (The)
> mother of Ingjald
> var Þóra, dóttir Sigurðar orms í auga, Ragnarssonar loðbrókar.
Unnur hin
> was Þóra, daughter of Sigurð 'Snake in (the) Eye', son of Ragnar
> Hairy-Breeches. Unn the
> djúpúðga var móðir Þorsteins rauðs, dóttir Ketils flatnefs,
> Deep-minded was (the) mother of Þorstein (the) Red, daughter of
> `Flat Nose,' son of Björn
> bunu. Höskuldur bjó á Höskuldsstöðum í Laxárdal.
> 'Buna (?).' Höskuld dwelt at Höskuld´s Steads in Salmon River Dale.
> Hrútur hét bróðir hans. Hann bjó á Hrútsstöðum. Hann var sammæður
> His brother was called Hrút. He dwelt at Hrút's Steads. He was of
> same mother as
> Höskuld. Faðir hans var Herjólfur. Hrútur var vænn maður, mikill og
> sterkur,
> Höskuld. His father was Herjólf. Hrút was a handsome man, big and
> strong,
> vígur vel og hógvær í skapi, manna vitrastur, hagráður við vini
sína en
> well skilled in arms and gentle in disposition, (the) wisest of
men, of
> wise counsel with his friends but
> tillagagóður hinna stærri mála.
> well disposed (equipped) (to deal with) greater (ie more important)
> matters.
> Það var einu hverju sinni að Höskuldur hafði vinaboð og þar var
> That was (happened) on one certain time that Höskuld had a feast
> friends and Hrút was there,
> bróðir hans og sat hið næsta honum. Höskuldur átti sér dóttur er
> Hallgerður
> his brother, and sat the nearest to him. Höskuld had by himself a
> daughter who was called Hallgerð.
> hét. Hún lék sér á gólfi við aðrar meyjar. Hún var fríð sýnum og
> vexti
> She played on (the) floor with other young girls. She was
beautiful in
> appearance and tall of growth (stature)
> og hárið svo fagurt sem silki og svo mikið að það tók ofan á belti.
> and the (her) hair as fine as silk and so long that it reached
down to
> (the) belt (ie her waist).
> Höskuldur kallar á hana: "Far þú hingað til mín," sagði hann.
> Höskuld calls to her: 'Come (you) hither to me,' said he.
> Hún gekk þegar til hans. Hann tók undir hökuna og kyssti hana.
> gekk
> She went at once to him. He took (her) under the chin and kissed
her (or
> her chin?). Afterwards she went
> hún í braut.
> away.
> Þá ræddi Höskuldur til Hrúts: "Hversu líst þér á mey þessa, þykir
> eigi
> Then Höskuld spoke to Hrút: `How seems (it) to you about this young
> girl, seems (she) to you not
> fögur vera?"
> to be fair?'
> Hrútur þagði við. Höskuldur talaði til annað sinn.
> Hrút was silent with (that). Höskuld spoke to (him) a second time.
> Hrútur svaraði þá. "Ærið fögur er mær sjá og munu margir þess
gjalda. En
> Hrút answered then: 'Fair enough is this young girl and many will
pay (a
> price) (suffer) for this. But
> hitt veit eg eigi hvaðan þjófsaugu eru komin í ættir vorar."
> that I know not – from where are (have) (the) eyes of a thief come
> our family.'
> Þá reiddist Höskuldur og var fátt um með þeim bræðrum nokkura hríð.
> Then Höskuld became angry and (it) was cool between those brother
> some time.
> Bræður Hallgerðar voru þeir Þorleikur, faðir Bolla, og Ólafur,
> Those brothers of Hallgerð were Þorleik, father of Bolli, and Ólaf,
> father
> Kjartans, og Bárður.
> Of Kjartan, and Bárð.
> --
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