From: AThompson
Message: 5128
Date: 2005-04-08
No one seems to be objecting to me taking over from Sarah while she sits her exams so here is the next installment of Auðun!
Please tell me if the “hooked o” ǫ as in hǫnd displays correctly on everyone’s computer. If it causes too many problems I will revert to using ö. Also let me know if you would like slightly longer sections to translate with each installment.
Also, some of us were translating Hrafnkels saga last year and, as far as I can tell, we only seemed to get about a third of the way through. Would others be interested in recommencing our translations where we left off?
Þá gekk Auðun fram ok fell til fóta konungi, ok varla kendi konungr hann. Ok þegar er konungr veit hverr hann er, tók konungr í hǫnd honum Auðuni ok bað hann vel kominn: 'Ok hefir þú mikit skipazk', segir hann, 'síðan vit sámk.' Leiðir hann eptir sér inn. Ok er hirðin sá hann, hlógu þeir at honum. En konungr sagði, 'Eigi þurfu þér at honum at hlæja, því at betr hefir hann sét fyrir sinni sál heldr en ér.' Þá lét konungr gøra honum laug ok gaf honum síðan klæði, ok er hann nú með honum.
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